Where on earth can you find colors like these. The Palouse is like the color chip rack of a paint store. The is a classic example of the natural beauty in the Palouse during the harvest. Freshly plowed fields next to fields that have just been harvested. And, for a real treat you should see this place in the spring time.
In the Palouse as mentioned in previous posts there are a lot of abandoned trucks and cars, not to mention houses. This shot was made at the Texeco station where the owner collects old trucks. I loves the color, rust and especially the lines of the headlight and truck. So retro, so nice. Shot with a Fuji XT-1.
It’s A Lonely Job, In The Palouse, Fuji XT-1 55-200mm zoom
The Palouse Harvest is all about big open fields, perfect skies and harvesters bringing in the grain. The drivers and farmers of the harvest work endless days drive combines through the fields. This image was captures with a long lens from the top of Steppe Butte one of the highest points in the Palouse. I think it explains itself.
The Palouse Landscape, Simple and Beautiful (Click To See Larger)
I am heading out early tomorrow to lead a workshop in the Palouse. This is one of my favorite areas in the country to photography. Kind of like the Tuscany of America. Rolling hills and big skies. Our workshop will be shooting at harvest time. This is the time all the fields have turned from green to gold. And , the farmers with their combines start to cut down the wheat. This means everyday will be different. There are new patterns and things to shoot all the time. This image was made a few years ago but to me is what the Palouse is all about. Simple and beautiful landscapes.
Since I am in America and have internet we will continue to post articles and images directly from the workshop.
Arctic Fox Click On Image To View Larger, Click Again To See More
Hard to believe that a week ago I was in winter clothing exploring the northern polar regions of Svalbard, Norway. What an amazing trip and I worked with two different groups of the nicest people on the the trip. I was an instructor along with Peter Cox for the Luminous-landscape – Rockhopper Workshops my day job. We saw amazing sights as well as some real up close encounters with wildlife. On our last day we found 2 Arctic foxes playing and we were able to shoot hundreds of images. This is one of my favorites. It just draws you in. Shot with a Nikon D800e and the new Tamron 150-600mm lens. I can’t wait to make a print of this one.
This is sight that one doesn’t get a chance to see everyday. Some people may be disturbed by it, but it is nature at work. This was shot just about 10 days ago on our Svlabard Photography Workshop. The location of the shot can be viewed on a hap HERE. This bear was quite content with letting us take pictures. I like the Arctic Gull in the shot too. They say if you can see these gulls then there must be a bear close by.
On both of our trips in the recent Svalabrd workshop we visited the Ice Wall of Brasvellbreen. It is hard to describe this location. It is not a Glacier but an ice cap and one of the largest in the world depending on who you ask. The bottom line is it is hundreds of kilometers long and has hundreds of cascading waterfalls and textures. We were fortunate to arrive at this location with the sun sweeping over the face of the ice wall. And this was around midnight. at this time of year there is 24 hours of light in the Arctic. I’ll have more images of this amazing ice wall in the near future.
It’s nice to be back home. I have spent the last three weeks with Peter Cox and Morton Jørgensen cruising the Svalbard area with 2 workshop groups. We were on the prow for wildlife and great landscapes. Overall on both workshops we have a mission accomplished. We had the chance to photograph Polar Bears, Walrus, many birds, whales, glaciers and as in this image above Arctic Fox. The Arctic Fox is a hearty animal having to live in Arctic Conditions for most of the year. For the winter months it is a pure white animal and then in the summer months it sheds it coat and looks pretty much like the image above until late August when it grows its winter coat back. I had the chance to photograph this fox on two occasions in the last few weeks. I have quite a few beautiful images from the few hours spent with this fox and its brother. Look for more soon.
Bryce National PArk is a rather small park but certainly offers up some spectacular sights. As with all National Parks I visit, I love the beauty of them but as a photographer I get frustrated with the clichéd feeling of pictures. Certainly it is great to be able to take a photo from the same location many famous landscape photographers have made their images. So, when I find myself shooting at the locations I do everything I can to get something different. Something that is from a new angle, with a different lens or different lighting. If I can walk away with a different but still recognizable image then I have accomplished part of my mission. This image was made at Bryce but done with a long lens and isolates a certain part of the Hoodoos. Light also played a factor in this image giving the hillside I was shooting a very special glow.
At Luminous-Landscape we just announce a new workshop to explore the Kimberley region of Australia on the Tue North, a magnificent yacht with a a helicopter. We also just release a VIDEO of this amazing location and previous trip. Check out the links. And, please consider joining us for a great adventure.