One of the most fun things to do (in my opinion) is to get in the car and go explore. I did this the past weekend and I have more shots to post from that adventure. Today’s image is one I did in Michigan at a place called Sunset Juuque. It’s kind of like a Disneyland of junk. All neatly arranged in these little set ups by the clever owner. This is one I call Sad Gypsy. I discovered this place because I was just driving around. No matter where I go I like to drive and explore. If I see something I stop and check it out. A lot of the times I end up shooting it. You have to capture the moment. Odds are this set up is not there anymore. It could have moved or just rotted away. You have to get it when you see it. This was done with my basic set up of a Canon 5dII and 24-105 lens.
wildly random…love the bowling pins…