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Sad Sad Day

TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE SADNESS has swept through our household since yesterday. Pixel and Lizzy two incredible cats that Debra and I adopted on the same day about 7 years ago both had to be put to sleep because of two different types of cancer on the same day. These cats were not only a big part of our household, but they were the household and we were privileged that they let us live with them.
The last year has been a crappy one for sure. There have been many losses in different forms. Losing two of our best furry friends in a day is totally not right. Especially for two creatures that did nothing but show us love every second they were alive. This morning we have one cat left and the three of us are together trying to wrap our heads around this tragedy. The grief comes in waves and it is so hard to process. Our eyes are sore and blurry from so many tears shed but our faces show smiles as we remember these two cats for how they changed our lives and shared so much love.
Debra and I will memorialize these two beautiful souls in a book so we can remember them. Needless to say, we have a ton of photos and videos and once we pass our grief we will remember them for the joy, happiness and incredible love they shared with both of us.
Sometime in the not so distant future we will adopt two more kittens and give them and Jupiter our other cat a place they can call their own and love them with all of our hearts.
Our photos will give us memories forever.

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Shall We?


King penguins on South Georgia Island

So what do you think?  This is a special image.  It was made in the South Georgia Islands.  Two King Penguins just happened to be on the beach with a shipwreck in the background.  You see penguin couples often and you can think of a hundred different captions for a shot like this.  I shot it with a long lens with a wide aperture so I could soften the ship in the background.  By the way, the ship is a great example of gorgeous rust.  I have images of that I will share too. Hope you enjoy this image, who can’t like penguins?

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The Lonely Piano

Lone Piano, Music room in the community center of Pyramiden, Svalbard

A long boat ride from Longyearbyen, Svalbard sits an abandoned city that was once a thriving Russian coal mine.  I have visited this location on just about every visit I have made to Svalbard.  It’s an incredible place and is a ton of fun to photograph in.  This is an image from the community center’s music room.  I’ll have more images from this amazing place in the coming weeks.

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Silo City And The Human

Below The Silo, Silo City, Buffalo, NY

This image was part of one of my more favorite days of photography.  This image was made in Buffalo NY at Silo City.  Silo City is a major complex of mostly abandoned gigantic grain silos.  A friend Mark Maio, holds annual workshops at this location and you are given full access to the complex.  If you are into the urbanex type of photography you’ll find this location a dream come true.  I have been to this location an number of times and never tire of it.  On this particular trip, I hired a model for a half a day and we had a blast photographing in as many places as we could find.

This one location which is below a silo over a hundred feet tall.  I loved the chutes and light and asked the model to pose in ways that mimicked these machines.  The backlight was just right and the symmetry of the columns all lead to a cool image in the end.

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The Tower Bridge

As a photographer, one of the most frustrating things, especially in the social media times we are in is coming up with an image of an iconic place that hasn’t been done before.  This challenge is also a good one for our everyday photography endeavors.  On a trip to London, I spent a day walking the city.  This is one of the images that I made to show an iconic location differently.  I looked up and thought it would compose well as a square and then used the square format to compose the image.

In post-processing, I converted the image to BW and then added the frame using Topaz Studio.

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The Magic Of Iceland

Iceland is a magical and special place for me. I stared visiting Iceland in 2004 before it was even on an instagram or tourist radar. Now the country thrives on the tourism income but is has made the place very crowded. There are still magical places to visit and I know a lot of them. This os one of those. It was amde after a short climb and then waitig for the light. The whispy clouds, sunset and moon rise all made a speacial shot.

I am planning on offering tours to Ic3land again in 2021. Information will be on Rockhopperworkshops. Check out the site for other locations and dates forupcoming workshops.

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We Are Back

Iceberg On The Beach

We have been away for a while trying to get our feet on the ground after being let go from If you aren’t aware of it the whole team from the old LuLa site have moved on. We were quite disappointed not to mention surprised at what happened. But, never fear we have decided to create a new website and do it bigger and better than before. This doesn’t come without a lot of time and effort and we are pretty focused on getting the new site launched. Please visit and sign up to be notified when we launch our new site.

In the meantime, we are also working hard on launching new workshops for 2020 and 2021 with

Presently we have 4 berths that have become available for our 2202 Antarctica trip and 4 spots available for Palouse the Harvest. We are also well into the planning stages for 2020 and 2021 with Iceland, Faroe Islands, Africa and more. So stay tuned.

I’ll do my best to keep things flowing better on this site now that we are back in real operational mode. Thanks for stopping by.

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It’s Been Too Long

I have committed a terrible thing by not keeping this site up to date.  My apologies.  Things sort of got away from me and I am trying to come in for a landing after a super busy summer of teaching workshops and travel.  So, I will do my best to get things back on track staring today.

Todays’ image was made in Torre Del Pines in Argentina.  We stopped for some fuel and here was this backetball hoop attached to this beautifyl wall. It was shot with an iPhone and enhnaced using Snapseed.

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Open House Tonight and Tomorrow at RaberEYES

Once a year as part of an Indianapolis tradition to kick off Race Month The Stutz has an open house.  The Stutz is a large 4 story building occupying a full block in downtown Indianapolis.  The building quite unique and special.  There are nearly 100 artists, photographers, and high-end startup companies in the building.  The last weekend in the month of April the Stutz opens its door to thousands of visitors on Friday night and Saturday afternoon.  It’s not only a big party with live music and lots of different refreshments but also a chance to visit the 60 plus artist studios that will be open that night.  My studio is one of those and we show off hundreds of images that I have taken all over this great planet.  It’s a great time to stop by and say hi as well as shop for some of my photography at very, very special prices during the show.  You’ll have a blast.  You can enjoy homemade Sangria as well as Philly Pretzels too.  So, mark your calendar and come visit.

The hours are 5-10 PM on Friday and 1 – 6 PM on Saturday.  Location is 1060 N. Capitol Ave, Suite C-375, Indianapolis, IN.

Hope we can see you there.