The Lamar channel is a very cool place to cruise through especially if you get to cruise it at sunset. On my first Antarctica trip we cruised the channel at magic hour. The sun was low and the moon was coming up. The sky turned orange and purple and the water looked like it had a sheen of oil on it from the reflection. Just an amazing experience. This is a shot taken at one end of the channel. I believe these two peeks are called Ulla’s Tits. Must be a story behind it.
On one of the PODAS workshops that I lead we visited the outback of Australia. It was an amazing trip with amazing instructors. We had the chance to visit an Aboriginal community. this is one of the many portraits we did there. These were very interesting people. Friendly and welcoming. Their faces were amazing, their eyes blah and recessed. It is amazing to visit a place like this and see how these folks live and understand better what they believe in and their history.
This shot I found while going through my digital albums and I would have by passed it most likely but I kept coming back to it. This is an opal mind in the middle of no where Australia. Driving back from Red Center we were going down one of these roads where you could tie the steering wheel down and read a novel. Long and straight. All along this long stretch were old machines and piles of dirt. I learned that this is an opal mining areas. So, eventually we stopped so I could be the tourist and this is what I saw. The sky was dramatic and colors and landscape kind of strange. It’s like a tourist trap but no one was there. Anyway it was pretty cool to learn how they mine opal and see such a landscape.
Who hasn’t made a visit to an Apple store. I know the one close to me is so jammed with people sometimes that they make you wait in line to get in. What kind of retail store does that? One that ha s set new records for sales per square feet and always makes it fun to visit. Other retailers could only wish they had lines outside of their stores. And, then there is Microsoft who is building store right across from some Apple locations hoping to grab the leftovers. Funny to see as there is never anyone in the Microsoft store. They just don’t get it. This image is of the Apple store in NYC. I think tomorrow I’ll post another image from the same store. Since this shot was made they have completely re-done the famous glass cube so this shot is now kind of unique. If you are not using an Apple product you owe to yourself to come over to to the light and then you’ll wonder why you waited so long. And, get an iPad while you are at it.
Kind of cool how mother nature in all her ways eventually reclaims things and takes over. Nothing is more evident than this shot of the side of s rusty train car with a small plant beginning to grow out of it. Shot with a P65+ there is a load of detail in this shot. I made a large 30×40 inch print of this and it is stunning.
Tucked away in the mountains of central Pennsylvania is a small state park known as Rickets Glen. Literally out in the middle of no where this park boast 26 waterfalls and all of them are beautiful. It’s a two day adventure to visit Rickets Glen and shoot these falls. Obviously better to do in the Fall with colors changing. Here is one image expect to see more.
This is a shot of the Canyonlands outside of Moab. This is a pretty typical shot and a lot of people could take this shot. Fortunately for me that day this storm rolled in and I was shooting from the same height as the storm and thus I had these cool grey clouds on the top of my image yet sunshine in the canyon. This is one of a series of very dramatic pictures taken during a 15 minute window of the storm. Sometimes you get your best pictures in not so desirable condition.
This is one of my favorite shots. It was made in Australia which should be obvious on one of the PODAS workshops I lead. Ken Duncan who is a miracle worker in his own right asked this beautiful girl if she would be in our picture and she agreed. During the time I was taking this shot flies were buzzing around and she was looking uncomfortable. Then all of a sudden she just took this amazing pose and I shot it. Two seconds later she was looking somewhere else. Sometimes it just works, have patience.
A very picture worthy National Park is Bryce where this image was taken. It’s not an overly large park and there aren’t a lot of places to shoot compared to other parks but there places there are at the right time of the year will reward you greatly. There are numerous overlooks where you can get terrific sunrise and sunset shots. Shooting mid-day there is pointless. Also, if you come at the time of year when it is cold enough and you awake to a light dusting of snow the park just turns into a fairytale land. Be sure to take hikes and find places where the normal tourist won’t venture. Your images will be different and much more rewarding. LINK TO BRYCE NPS