Here is another image from Rickets Glen. While not gigantic waterfalls, they sure are pretty.
Once again on one of my walk a bouts in Chicago I saw this image on a bridge in . Carefully lined it up and waited for the person to come into the frame. Do you like it? Kind of cool, It shows a lot about Chicago, old, new and lots of riveted steel and iron. Taken with a Phase One P65+. Yes you can do street photography with it.
Chicago is one of my favorite cities to photograph. The architecture from bridges to buildings is incredible. I love those cool days of early fall and getting out there with a camera at dawn and shooting. In this shot I included one of the bridges with a modern skyscraper to tell a sort of old and new. Show with a wide angle lens on a P65+.
You can find amazing places close to home sometimes. One of those places is Rickets Glenn Park in pennsylvania. There are 26 waterfalls there and you can spend several days shooting them. You have to do some hiking but it is quite beautiful especially in early October when the colors change. I’ll be posting more images from this wonderful place in coming days.
The Australian Outback is a beautiful yet extremely remote place. A lot of it is just flat bush and almost desert like. But if you know where to look you find these kind of places. Google – Glen Helen. near Glen Helen there are a number of gorges where you find beautiful scenes like this. Shot with a Phase One 60 mega pixel camera.
We are having another 100 plus degree day in Indianapolis today. And, one more forecasted for tomorrow. So, let’s enjoy a shot from the Gullett in Antarctica where is was cold and beautiful. This was one of the most magical places I have ever visited. Mirror flat water reflecting snow covered mountains. Truly a once in a lifetime view.
The Masons have a very mysterious reputation with stories and legends to amaze all of us. The Masonic Temple in Indianapolis is just one of those mysterious place. the building is grand and the main hall is grand. But, there is a whole huge building across the parking lot with only one door in and no windows. I really want to go in there and see what it is, but you need to be some special member for that. The legend continues. This was 5 Phase One P65+ images stitched together.
My friends say I should do a book or exhibit on all my iceberg images. Sounds like a good idea and it will go on my task list, which is rather long. This page was from Antarctica (obviously) and I just love the way it works. Foreground, iceberg in the background, and then the mountains and horizon light far off. This is a very strong image and one of my favorites. It is also a very strong B&W image and I have that one over on my Facebook page.
Happy easter Sunday. It’s a great day here in Indianapolis today. I wanted to share an image that is a sunrise in Antarctica. Actually it’s the tail end of sunset. See the sun really never goes away it just kind of gets real low and gives you four hours of sunset or two of sunset and two of sunrise. Either way like a lot of things you see in Antarctica it is a constant reminder that there is something greater out there creating all of this each day. The things I have seen on my three trips there as well other experiences has allowed me to feel closer spiritually to god and the magnificent things that have been created. My photography allows me each day to capture a little piece of that and share it like I do here.