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Skamania Rainbow

I made it to the Hood Valley area between Washington and Oregon and the Skamania Lodge where my sons wedding will take place on Sunday.  It’s raining and dynamic.  Kind of what you expect for this area.  Many of the family have arrived with more arriving tomorrow.  Within the first five minutes of being here the clouds broke open and produced a rainbow.  Luckily i had my iPhone so I grabbed a shot.  I knew the only way if would work was should in HDR so I set up the shot and let the iPhone do it’s thing.  Now I use an app called AutoHDR and it takes a few seconds to analyze the scene.  And just before it started to shoot the sequence of images these two kids jumped in the shot.  I was like what!! but you know what they made the shot and added the foreground.  So, sometimes things just go your way.

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Gas Station In Middle Of No Where

Texaco Gas Station In Palouse

While traversing the Palouse last week I came across many an odd things. It’s a beautiful area but there are just things there that stop you. I am driving down this country road in the middle of no where and then all of a sudden there is this Texaco gas station straight out of the fifties just sitting there. I thought I went through a time portal. This place had the signs, a water fountain, old cars, gas pumps and even a police car. So I spent some time shooting pictures of it. I’ll kake sure I take my PODAS workshop group to it.

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Surreal Endicot

Endicott, WA - Whitman Bank

Busy day on Thursday scouting out shooting locations, booking restaurants, timing things etc.. So, I spent a lot of time driving looking for shots for the workshop in the Palouse this August. The back roads here in the Palouse are incredible. They meander through beautiful rolling hills and I am tempted to stop the car at every curve. There are abandoned houses and farms and sometimes kind of apocalyptic. One of the towns I drove through was Endicott and it was very strange. The town looks like a set from the Twilight Zone. Old buildings, even an old phone booth that hasn’t been used for years. Pictures of these will be posted in the near future. The shot above was from one of the businesses in the downtown area, if you could call it that. This shot grabbed me and works great with the cross walk and old building. I am not even sure if the bank is still operational but the bent blinds in the window and starkness of it all got my attention and I hope yours.

This image was shot with the iPhone, kind of my Polaroid these days.  I played around with the image in some of my apps but came back to the original each time. It just works.

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Death Valley – Race Track

The Race Track - Death Valley

Quick entry as I am in Death Valley leading a Phase One PODAS workshop. It is a great group of people and we are doing a ton of photography. On Monday we visited the Race Track. More on this great place in future blogs. But for today enjoy the photograph. Please excuse me though for the shortness of this as I need to be up in four hours so we photograph the dunes. More soon.

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Performing Art Center With A Bit Of Fun

Carmel Performing Arts Center - Iphonegraphy

Today was one of those dramatic days in Indianapolis. We just had a tornado warning.  Fun – fun!  Anyway I was driving back from doing some errands this afternoon and saw the dramatic sky behind the Performing Arts Center.  So I stopped and took out my iPhone and did a 30 image pano with stitch.  I then over dinner worked some iPhone fun on the image.  So here it is.  All in all it was fun and isn’t that what taking pictures all about.

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They Do Things Different In Iceland

Reykjavík, Iceland

As you have seen from previous posts I like doing street photography.  Wandering around Reykjavík, Iceland oner afternoon I came across this store window.  Couldn’t help think how different this was from the Victoria Secret windows in the US.  This was shot on an iPhone 4 and then worked on in several apps.  I guess when you have the long winters like Iceland does that a store like this must sell a number of these.

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Statue Of Liberty

New York, New York - Statue Of Liberty

Okay, there is this technique called HDR – High Dynamic Range imaging and it can be cool but overdone.  But it is fun.  This is a shot from a series I did in Las Vegas using HDR techniques. It is obvious what it is and it photography with a Canon 5dII at New York, NY Hotel. Then I messed with it doing HDR and then once it was in my gallery on the iPhone I played with it some more to make this shot. It’s all about having fun using the tools a photographer has today.