I am not a very good bird photographer. I know a number of my friends who excel at bird photography. While in Japan leading a workshop in 2019 I gave some bird photography a try. I had some good results. Today I am much better as I have a Sony a9 (soon to be a1) That focuses so fast and shoots for many frames a second that I would have to be an idiot not to get a good shot. These were shot with a Fuji XT4 and 100-400mmm lens. The Fuji while good nowhere compares to my Sonys. No matter what though it was shooting these.
Category: Fuji 100-400mm lens
Polar Bears Jumping
I presume you may know that I also run workshops to amazing locations all around the world. You can find these workshops at Rockhopper Workshops. One of the places we visit is the Arctic and what an amazing place it is. These two polar bears were photographed on one of my Svalbard workshops a few years ago. On these workshops, we sometimes drive our small ship deep into the arctic ice and search for polar bears. We get real close and shut the engines down and drift and if we are lucky polar bears come to us. This polar bear was photographed from about fifty feet off of the ship. The bear was jumping from ice flow to ice flow and sometimes even swimming. These are magnificent animal.s
I still have room on my August 2020 workshop and info can be found at Rockhopper Workshops. Maybe you’d consider joining us.
Look For It
Like yesterday’s post I look for images that are just part of something bigger. This image is an oil storage tank I found in Valparaiso, Argentine when visiting there. I put the long lens on and shot the tank with the stairway going through from one corner to the other. It makes a viewer stop and look at the image because they don’t know what they are looking at.
Glacier and Icebergs
I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Greenland is the land of imensity. This image is a good example. This gigantic glacier winding its way down to the sea and a giant iceberg most likely from another glacier in front of it. It seems everywhere you point your camera in Greenland you see images like this.
Little Waterfall – Part of A Big Waterfall
I was in Iceland shoot a very big waterfall. I love waterfalls and I am sure by now you know how much I love Iceland. After I shot the bigger waterfall I but my long lens on the Fuji-Xt2. It has the reach of a 600mm lens on a full frame camera. I started to explore at the longest focal lengths different parts of the waterfall. I used a 1/2 to 1-second exposure to shoot what I found. This was one of those shots.
Blue Icebergs
There is so much to photograph in Antarctica. This image was made as we were cruising. I saw the grey sky and the blue of the icebergs as they floated in the sea. I must admit I saturated the blue a bit for effect but I like it and especially the way it contrasts with the background. This was shot with a long lens handheld from a moving ship. the Fuji XT-2 with the 100-400mm lens allowed me a long reach to get this image.
Penguin Love

Over the last 3 weeks, I captured 12,000 images as part of the Luminous-Landscape South Georgia and Antarctica adventure. I have managed to narrow the collection down to 2400 images, The rejects sit in a separate folder off on the server just in case I ever need to refer to them.
Now that I am in major editing mode and have started to output some of my favorites images, i thought it would be good to share them. I’ll also be doing an article on LuLa soon with many more images. Today though I thought it would be great to share with you an image of what I call Penguin Love. Penguins are incredible creatures and they do the most amazing things. I loved the way these two showed their affection with each other.
Shot with a Fuji XT-2 and a 100-400mm lens. The Fuji never let me down on this trip. The 100-400mm with great IOS let me hand-held exposures with the equivalent of a 600mm lens. And, it focuses close enough to get images like this.