This image is an older shot but a favorite of mine. It was taken on July 7, 2005. I was in London and a few blocks away from where the bus exploded. needless to say, the day was chaotic. I walked all over London that day. They shut down the E that day. This exposure shows the Eye empty. Something you don’t see much at all. I liked the building in the foreground and the stacks. There wasn’t much color so I decided to make it black and white.
Category: Canon 5d II
Little Girl On The Streets
Wherever I go I love to walk the streets and take pictures. This shot of this beautiful little girl was made in Buenos Aires. She was playing tunes on her toy accordion with a cup at her feet for tips. Her eyes, posture and look say so much. (yes, I gave her a big tip, and her smile was so big after that). It’s hard for many people to shoot people on the streets and obviously many time you have to use good judgment as well as have a pocket of local currency with you to tip the subjects.
On The Way To Denali

One of the cool things about cruising American highways is that you stumble upon some of the oddest things. Here is an example that I found on my way driving from Anchorage to Denali NP. Off to the side of the road is this giant looking igloo. It is abandoned and upon further inspection actually was never complete. The story goes they couldn’t get enough water and utilities there to make the spot operate so they just left it. Pretty cool place.
Bryce Is Nice

Bryce is one of those small gems of a location. It’s not a large area but it is rich in photographic possibilities. I have come to like Bryce in the November – December time farm with snow if one is so lucky to get snow. I also like shooting with long lenses and capturing only part of the landscape. Best of all s to take a small hime and explore the valley and shoot from different angles. Get off the tourist lookout areas.
I’ll Be Away A While

I am off to Antarctica for a few weeks. This is my last trip crossing the Drake by boat for a few years. all my other trips will be done by flying over the Drake. As you can probably tell if you follow this blog, I love the Antarctica region. I have never been anywhere on the planet that has so much to offer in photography. The environment changes so it is hard to do a cliched image. I’ll be aboard the Polar Pioneer with around 50 other photographers from all over the world. This is the beginning of summer for that area and hopefully we’ll see penguins with fresh laid eggs. When I go back again in January I hope to see the chicks. I am anxious to shoot some of the same locations in a few months to see how much they have changed. If you follow me on Facebook, I have set it up so there will GPS posting to our location and where we are throughout the journey. I’ll have no internet or cell coverage or even email during the trip. Most likely will need therapy for email withdrawal on my return.
So, I haven’t disappeared I have just gone shooting. See you with new posts when I get home.
Iceberg and Bird
Water and Iceberg

As you know from the previous posts from the last few days that I am very much into ice and cold weather images. Today image was made on one of my trips to Antarctica where we were close to some very large icebergs. This is a shot as a wave washes up on an iceberg that had just Turtled which is rolling over. I love the texture and simplicity.
Big Blue Two
Happy Leopard Seal

As my collection of Antarctica Images continue, I share today an image I have always liked. This is a leopard seal on a bergy bit floating contently in a small bay in Antarctica. I always though this image defined Antarctica. It’s got ice, landscape and wildlife. This place is truly heaven for photographers.
Back To Antarctica

I am so excited. I am going back to Antarctica not one but twice in the next few months. My first journey is November 6th and will be my last trip across the Drake Passage on a boat. The Drake can be very nasty. I’m talking 40 foot waves, rocking and pitching boat for 2 days. I am not bothered by this (luckily( but others don’t find it so pleasant. Once you get there though it gets very good as far as photography goes. After these two trips I’ll have a ton of images to use n a couple of books I am planning for Antarctica. This image was made in the iceberg graveyard. This is a rather large bay where icebergs drift in and become grounded. Over time water and melting them creates these amazing looking icebergs. This shot shows a Leopard Seal who just finished a meal. He didn’t give us even a head raise as we cruised by in our Zodiac.