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Dead Trees Moab

Dead Trees In A Field, Moab, UT

I love traveling the back roads.  So, after shooting to my hearts content in Moab, I decided it was time to travel some back roads.  These involved crossing over a few small mountains.  This field we found doing this trip and the sun was beginning to set giving nice light.  Shot with an IQ180 this image is super sharp and has great color tonal range.

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You Gotta Get Up Early

The Bean, Chicago

You have to get up early to do great photography, and that is no different when shooting in the city and trying to make sure tourists don’t ruin your shot.  This is the famous Chicago Bean.  It offers a multitude of image possibilities with all the reflections and such.  Normally during the day there are always hundreds of people with their point and shoots taking shots.  So, get there early when the sun is coming up and have the whole place to your self.


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An Excellent Week In Copenhagen Continues

Copenhagen Waterfront, Denmark

This has been a intense week in Denmark with a lot being accomplished business wise with Phase One. In between work I do find sometime to take pictures and I have quite a selection of colorful and nice images I am collecting. Copenhagen waterfront is a real nice place to visit. There are all sorts of boats and a unique charm and mix of building. Here is one classic shot a sailboat and a tugboat.  Shot on an iPhone on the way to dinner.

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Nyhaven – Copenhagen, Denmark

Nyhaven, Copenhagen, Denmark

There is this area in Copenhagen that in the old days used to be a rough area and typical of the wharfs of cities.  But a while back this area was revitalized to be a popular destination.  Known as Nyhaven it is a harbor where ships tie up.   Now all the store fronts are restaurants and bars and outdoor cafes.  It is a great place to visit, very colorful, in many ways and lots to do.  I decided to try something new and get very creative.   This is a different kind of view of Nyhaven.  let me know what you think.

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A Beautiful Day In Copenhagen

Little girl and fountain, Copenhagen, Denmark

When it is nice – it is really nice in Copenhagen.  Today was an extraordinary day.  After a long flight I  explored the city with a work colleague and then after a nap I went out shooting.  This image I love.  Little girl running excited about the fountain.  You can read a lot into it.  Shot with an iPhone hipstamatic.


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Off To Copenhagen

The Round Tower, Copenhagen, Denmark

I am off to Copenhagen today through JFK.  I have a busy week doing a number of different things while in Denmark,   I will be prepping the launch for the 2013 PODAS workshop series as well as meeting with internal depts. and some special customers.  Should have some cool shots of Copenhagen to share along the way.  This image was made in the Round Tower.  A cool place to visit.  Back in the old days the King made this so he could drive his carriage to the highest point in Copenhagen and view his kingdom.  I have walked up this path to the top and all I can say is poor horse.  I do love the light and how it plays with the walls and arches.