On my last trip to Iceland we chartered a helicopter for the day. This is one of the abstracts from that shoot. Iceland looks so different from the air. This is part of the run off from higher elevations snow.
Last spring I visited Buffalo, New York and participated in a workshop at Silo City. This is a complex of old abandoned grain elevators. I hired a model one day there and did a large number of images. it was good to get back to taking images of people. On this image I wanted to make the model levitate off the floor. It worked pretty well. It was fun too.
Every now and then I like to play. Actually I like to play a lot. I was at the state fair last August and went to the carriage event in the arena area. I decided I’d take all images at long exposure. This meant using the motor drive and just trying to get focus correct and then to move the camera with the subject. I shot hundreds of images and a good deal of them didn’t turn out. But, every now and then you get a winner. Here is one I liked.
The Dolomites in Italy is an amazing area for a wide range of photography. Majestic mountains, incredible sunrises and sunsets and beautiful villages tucked away in little mountain hideaways. This image was made at sunrise and the Phase One IQ 180 back allowed the wide dynamic range to be captured. What an amazing location!
If you want to visit some astounding locations for photography make a point to visit Moab, UT. From there it is a short drive to Arches National Park as well as Canyon lands. I could spend all day shooting in just a few locations there is so much to see. This image was made at dusk while there was still some snow on the ground. Shot with an IQ 180 digital back from Phase One the detail in it is shape from foreground to background.
There is one channel that is narrow and a favorite place to travel through on visits to Antarctica. I have been through this passage a dizen or more time and each time it offers something unique. This is a sunrise passage on a beautiful calm day. The picture says it all.
I love what I do just in case you haven’t figured that out. I love adventure and the surprises each day brings. Like in this image made in Antarctica. There is something about being on the bridge of a ship when a Russian Captain smiles as he rams his ship onto an ice shelf and parks it there. It’s even more fun to watch him back the ship off the ice shelf. Every trip and every day on an Antarctica adventure has a special memory.
I am in a very busy two week video shoot on a variety of topics in a couple of different locations. This shot was made yesterday in the Luminous-Landscape offices in Indianapolis. Actually doubles as my gallery. With me at the table is Lau Norgaard from Phase One. We discussed in depth the new Phase One 100mp camera they recently released. This is a good shot that shows what’s involved in doing a shoot. Today we pick back up doing a tutorial on Capture One. Next week I’ll be in NYC doing a number for different videos and interviews on various topics. Once we get it edited we will start sharing it on the Luminous-Landscape website. Stay tuned.