This is just a fun shot. Made at the auto show that is right up the street from my house. I love shooting all the cars and trying to find unique angles and clever shots. Sometimes I shoot the engine, or the light paying on the curves of the car body. But, this one just looked fun.
Moab is a town you stay in and all around Moab are one of the country’s largest areas to shoot pictures. Amazing images abound around every turn. This is a photographer’s paradise as when the light decides to play you can get some great shots. This one was made in Arches National Park right outside of Moab.
I live in a nice community north of Indinapolis. It was voted by Forbes and Money magazines as the best place in America to live this year. I have now begun a personal project to photograph the community and show all the nice things about it. This is the first image of many that I’ll publish and eventually I will do a gallery on this sit of images. This a shot of the Perfroming Arts Center, a magnificent building inside and out that is at the end of my street.
While shooting a sunrise in Tuscany we stumbled onto an abandoned farm house. It was wonderful exploring it and I did come out with some nice images. This is an image of a room where I believe barrels were made. It was just about complete darkness. I used a Phase One IQ260 that is great for long exposures. the exposure was a long one and yielded a surreal image. I hope you like it.
Tuscany is known for never ending landscapes and rolling hells. There also numerous small towns and villages which offer unique and fun places to shoot. This is an image form a very small community. The wall just begged to be photographed. I love the expose brick and color of the wall plus the color of the window.
While walking and doing street photography in Sienna, Italy I saw these guys painting and after watching for a while saw an image forming. I shot a number of images in sequence at different zooms and positioning until I got the image I liked. Here it is. Simple and colorful.
On one of my many trips into Death Valley I experienced a huge dark storm that was making its way across the valley. I had to stop the car and shoot this image. I have been in Death Vally on numerous occasions and on a number of those I experienced storms. I must be bad karma.
I spent 10 days recently in Tuscany. You have seen some of the images. There are more to come. After the PODAS workshop I was leading I spent a day in Rome with Art Wolfe doing a day in Rome photography. one of the places we visited and it was a very inspiring visit was to the Basilica. This is one of the most incredible building I have ever seen. I was immediately dropped into a Dan Brown novel as I toured this spot. This is one of the images I made looking up at the center of the building. Everywhere you looked there was symbolism and art. Just fantastic.
When I was in Sydney last month I would go out every morning before breakfast and just do street shooting. On two of those mornings it was foggy. Fog and rain always lend a different look to the city. This is an image I made showing the famous Sydney Opera House. The fog changed the look. The person added something to the shot. Made with a Fuji X1-Pro and a 55-200 zoom.
This is a tree I shot in a gorger in Austrailia. Austrailia has lots of surprises. Many photographers would by this tree and not shoot it as it is just a tree. However, if you know your camera and know how to post process and image you can take a shot like this and make it a good final image. I used Capture One Pro to make this image and a number of tools available in it. First started with color balance. Then I worked contrast and saturation. This was followed by some local adjustments and the use of color editor to fine tune certain colors. Then I vignetted the shot as well as used local adjustments to darken parts of the image. I tried this in Lightroom too and I am pretty good with both, but LR couldn’t come close to the color and detail that Capture One made.