Nature has patience. And, with all my travels I have seen many times how nature reclaims what is here. Whether it be a Forrest devastated by. fire, an abandoned house or rusty and rotting machines. Mother nature always wins. She has immense patience. In this image, I was walking through a train yeard looking for abstract photo opportunities. I stopped at this one train car and found this. A small but of a plant of some kind growing in the rusty dust form the boxcar door of this train. Nature always finds a way.
Tag: Plant
Live From Decay
Nature has a way of claiming what is hers. So many times in my travels I see nature taking back what was hers. This was very evident in this shot. I stumbled upon an old box car and it was rusting away. Out of the rust was the beginnings of a new plant. Maybe in 50 years there won’t be anything but a pile of rust and dirt and a lot of new plants. Made with an IQ180 camera from Phase One.