On a trip to Moab with a number of my photographer friends we took a four wheeler ride to the top of some very rocky hill and at the end we were given a contrasting and dramatic view of the La Sal Mountains that are quite visible from Moab. I like the way the foreground contrast with the distant mountains. Shot with a Phase One IQ180.
Along the Washington and Oregon coast lines there are some classic places to take magnificent images of the coast and stacks and crashing surf. One of the more iconic places is Second Beach in Olympic National Park. A little bit of a hike through a well marked trail deposits you at this super location. Sunset being the best time to be there. I wanted my images to be different than others I saw before of this location. This was shot with an IQ180 and then processed out with one exposure to six levels at one stop increments. So I had a 3 stop over and under and one normal from one shot. The Phase One camera takes an incredible image with 12 plus stops dynamic range. So in one image I was able to hold all details in highlights and shadows. It’s quite the moment when you look at the histogram of an image like this expecting clipping on highlights and shadows and the Phase One back shows a very nice histogram with toes at both ends. This allowed me to know I had the information to produce an image like this. Then using Photomatix I processed them together to make an HDR. I made adjustments so it didn’t appear to grungy or fake. I retained enough detail in the rocks but didn’t overdue it. I decided on a gold tone cast as that is how I remembered this image. After the image was processed and saved I opened it using NIK Viveza and did some desaturation in the clouds and darkened some corners. Finally I saved it, flattened it and then did a JPEG at a smaller dimension so I could post it on my blog and FaceBook. There were number of images from this one nights shoot that were keepers and this was one. I like the rock in the foreground and texture the water makes. Hope you enjoy it. This weekend I will make a 30×40 inch print.
Trying to type a few sentences and my new kitten seems to want to help. She has a fascination with keyboards and screen cursors. This shot was made earlier this summer in iceland, one of my favorite spots of all time. This is a waterfall and it was at sunset creating a very cool rainbow. Shot with a Phase One IQ180.
I have posted many images from San Miguel and maybe it is because I like the place and it has such color. Here is another one taken off the town square. I wanted the diagonals to play a part in the photo as well as the striking color contrast.
I have finally made it back to the USA. What a trip. There was a typhoon in Hong Kong and as a result flights were cancelled and it took an extra 3 days to come home. Always good to be back and it won’t be long before I am off again. Todays images was made at Tegallagang rice terraces near Ubud, Bali. Pretty cool place with terraced rice fields. One of the many interesting places I visited in Bali last week.
One of the most beautiful National Parks in America is Olympic National Park a short drive from Seattle. This was taken on the western part in the Hoh Rain Forrest. Shot with a Phase One IQ180 and a long shutter then worked a bit in post processing. A bit if a different look that works.
I don’t know what else to call it. I came away from Antelope Canyon as I always do with some extremely nice images and all were done on an 80 megapixel camera so detail is astounding. I wanted something different so how about sand falling off the rock face walls making its own sand (water)fall. Hope you enjoy this. The detail is amazing.
Really I am in Copenhagen but this image is from Australia. I have had the pleasure to travel to the outback of Australia and through the assistance of Ken Duncan, well know Australian photographer got to visit an aborigine community. I was fortunate enough to do a number of portraits and this is one of them. Their face tell so many stories. Their eyes are so black. Just very interesting people and most gracious. If you get the chance to visit the outback it is an amazing place.
I just love this place. Outside San Miguel there is a hotel that is 60% finished and then one day while building it they figured out it was not a good idea to build a hotel under a dam that may break someday and flood the place out. No matter what you think of all the planning that went into this before discovering such a thing, it did leave a cool place to take pictures. I like this shot because it has symmetry. I am kind of big on that as one of my styles in photography. This was shot with a Phase One IQ180 that has super ability to see drk and highlight detail. Notice how you can see detail in ceilings of the hotel rooms. This camera in addition to this dynamic range is also 80 megapixels so the detail is just amazing.