This is just another image from a very large series of images I have of the Palouse that I photographed in June. As I have mentioned in previous posts the sky is so dramatic in the Palouse. I love the weather in the big sky and work hard to find cool images when I see it coming.
Tag: clouds
Amazing Clouds
On our recent Iceland trip we were on our way to the Highlands and like it happens often in Iceland the weather was changing rapidly. Weather in Iceland can change in minutes and it is not uncommon that in one day you cane experience everything Iceland has to offer. So, while we were driving we watched the sky change in front of us. Weather systems were colliding and as a result the clouds just became incredible looking and it was sight you don’t see often. This i,age is a stitched image made handheld in a very quick set up.
Sunday Drive Franfort, IN

Every now and then my friend Debra and I get in the car on a Sunday morning and decide if we are going to go North, South East or West. Once decided we head off to that direction with the ipad for mapping and we target backroads and small towns. We are looking for the unusual, the abandoned, the rusty and the interesting people that present themselves alone the way. There is a lot of “did you see that?”, or “stop”, “turn around”. Last Sunday was a gold mine for us as we visited a few towns within driving distance of home. This image was made a gigantic train yard that has seen its better days in Franfort, IN. This old abandoned train round house. I like this image as it kind of shows loneliness and the clouds and BW treatment add to the drama. More images will be coming form this train yard.
Lonely Tree

I just got back from a week in Canada. During this week I have been working hard with my business partner Michael Reichmann on our web site Luminous-Landscape. We are planning all sorts of new and enhanced things for this site. It is one of the most heavily visited photography websites on the internet. every day after we accomplished what we had on our agenda we rewarded ourselves by going out shooting. We would aim the car and just go and with no specific place in mind we would just find stuff. Always a lot of fun not only shooting but having a great conversation while seeing the countryside. While we were driving we both saw at the same time this one tree on the hill with these great clouds behind it. We stopped set up our gear and shot. We both have different interpretations of the shot. This is mine. Shot with a Nikon D800e and 80-400mm zoom lens. Tis was 5 exposures combined in HDG then converted to BW image.