The other day I posted an image of Murant’s Curve in the Canadian Rockies going north. Today is the south bound train. Must be fun to drive a train through such beautiful wilderness.
In the Canadian Rockies there is a lot to photograph. One of the iconic places is this location called Morant’s Curve. Railroad tracks run north to south and you can catch the trains going both directions. Todays image is of a northbound train. You can see this magnificent landscape and smell the diesel and hear the noise. Pretty cool place to do train watching.
I visited the Rockies in Canada a year ago prepping for a photo workshop there. Great place with so many photographic opportunities. There are lakes and mountains and wildlife plus a really cool train curve where you gat a train and the mountains in a photo. This is a spot of Lane Minnewanka near Banff.
I spent a few days in the Canadian Rockies a week or so ago and was scouting for locations and hotels for next years PODAS workshop there. There was a lot to shoot. Day one we had blue skies and puffy clouds and a few days after that full force snow storms that left the mountains topped off with snow cover. I’ll pots some more over the coming days.
Well, I just had to go back and shoot a train on Morant’s curve coming from the other direction. Had to wait like an hour for the train to come and then it was moving very fast. But, I managed to get focus set prior to the arrival and then at a certain point I just blasted away. Here is the one I like best. Taken with an Olympus OMD 5. I feel the sky, curve and colors all work well in this shot. Hope you enjoy it.
Sometimes you are shooting a scene or environment that is just made for Black and white. The picture today was just that. Shot on October 2, 2012 in the ice Fields of the Canadian Rockies. The weather was changing every second. Winds, cold, snow. It was so cold my iPhone shut down. Camera kept working though. I shot this image and processed it in Capture One. Capture One has such great features for holding shadow detail and highlight detail. I printed it on the darker side because it matches the true darkness of the time it was shot. Hope you like it.