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The Bell House

One of the many bells at the Bell House
One of the many bells at the Bell House

I am heading to NYC Today and then on Wednesday head to Portland and from there out to the Palouse.  In the Palouse I have a favorite location to shoot sunset from and it is the fields and rolling hills behind what I called the Bell House.   The owners of this home have passed away but the sons maintain it.  Great and really nice people.  I made a stack of photos to give them when we visit next week.


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Edison Homes

Edison Homes Version 1
Edison Homes Version 1

Gary being a steel city at one time flourished.  It was challenge building homes for all the workers at the mills.  Edison had a plan to make concrete homes.  This was tried in several cities.  Here are the Edison Homes in Gary in complete abandonment and disrepair. These home would have great in hurricane states.  Even today the structure is sound just the insides in ruins.  I shots these with a Sony 7II and decided to post process to look somewhat apocalyptic.

Version 2
Version 2
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Isle Of Skye

Isle Of Skye
Isle Of Skye

It has been a little while since I have made a post on my blog and I apologize.  I have been extremely busy on many projects.  Right now I am in Scotland at Isle Of Skye.  This is an amazing place. I am leading a photo workshop here with Steve Gosling and Joe Cornish.  We have great group of attendees and even though we have had to deal with the famous Isle Of Skye weather we have been capturing some amazing images like the one above.  Once I get back from this trip I’ll post more.  I’ll try to post another tomorrow.  This image I think almost looks Biblical.  Hope you enjoy it.  Made with a Phase One IQ160 digital back on an Alpa camera with 72mm lens.

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Amazing Palouse Sunset

A 9 Image Stitch Sunset In The Palouse
A 9 Image Stitch Sunset In The Palouse

Posts have been nonexistent over the last few days as internet has been super slow where I was, qw well as being busy from sunrise to sunset with the workshop.  Today I head back to Indianapolis and kick into catch up mode.  Lots or entries to post, images to work on and articles to finish.  I’ll be home for a few weeks before heading off to Photokina.  This image above was made a few nights ago at a sunset with a storm on the horizon.  The location is one of many I have marked in the Palouse.  It was beautiful way to close out a long day.  It was a 9 image stitch.

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Wally The Walrus

A walrus surfaces
A walrus surfaces

Walrus are incredible animals.  We hear about these creatures in story books and such.  To see these animals up close is a real privilege.  We were lucky on one of our encounters with the walrus to have a curious group.  They provided many photo opportunities .  This shot is of one walrus as he surfaces to check me out.  Only a few feet away.

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More Silos

Silos at Concrete City
Silos at Concrete City

It’s been a week since I visited Silo City in Buffalo, NY.  The location provided so many photo opportunities that I have enough good images to share for a few weeks.  This is a shot made at Concrete City a location not to far from Silo City.  This place is huge and we were there at a great time with great light and great shadows.

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I’ll Be Away A While

Gone Shooting
Gone Shooting

I am off to Antarctica for a few weeks.  This is my last trip crossing the Drake by boat for a few years.  all my other trips will be done by flying over the Drake.  As you can probably tell if you follow this blog, I love the Antarctica region.  I have never been anywhere on the planet that has so much to offer in photography.  The environment changes so it is hard to do a cliched image.  I’ll be aboard the Polar Pioneer with around 50 other photographers from all over the world.  This is the beginning of summer for that area and hopefully we’ll see penguins with fresh laid eggs.  When I go back again in January I hope to see the chicks.  I am anxious to shoot some of the same locations in a  few months to see how much they have changed.  If you follow me on Facebook, I have set it up so there will GPS posting to our location and where we are throughout the journey.  I’ll have no internet or cell coverage or even email during the trip.  Most likely will need therapy for email withdrawal on my return.

So, I haven’t disappeared I have just gone shooting.  See you with new posts when I get home.


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Glencoe Scotland, Incredible light

Sunrise in Glencoe Scotland
Sunrise in Glencoe Scotland

When I show friends my images of Scotland they can’t believe it as ,pst of the time in Scotland it is grey and cloudy and dull.  I had a week of incredible light last year and I took full advantage of it.  Here is an image made at surmise with a lake that was mirror flat.  It was an beautiful morning with splendid images.

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Thomas Knoll Interview

Kevin Raber, Thomas Knoll and Michael Reichmann discuss the history of PhotoShop as well as the new Adobe Creative Cloud
Kevin Raber, Thomas Knoll and Michael Reichmann discuss the history of PhotoShop as well as the new Adobe Creative Cloud

The inventor of Photoshop Thomas Knoll sat down with Micahel Reichmann and me during our recent Kimberley trip in Australia.  The interview is now live on Luminous Landscape.  Learn about the history of Photoshop as well as insight into the new Adobe subscription model.