I love the Moab area as it has many location for photography and a few great parks nearby. If you want arches or canyons you can find both in Moab. This shot is from n overlook in Canyonlands with a storm coming. Shot with a Phase One P65+ it just has amazing detail.
I’ll keep this entry short as there is so much to do to get ready for the Raber Christmas Morning. All of my boys are here with one wife and one significant other. Going to be a fun day. After gifts and a brunch I will start preparing the traditional (Raber) dinner of Beef Wellingtom, Potatoes, Waldorf Salad, String Bean Almonde, with a beautiful chocolate chip cake for dessert.
Todays picture was made in the Olympic National Park which is just beautiful. Deep in the woods I found this tree and it was catching just a hint of the sunlight coming through. Simple and works. Shot with a Phase One P65+
Sometimes when you photograph things you may find simple is better. This is classic cue of simple. Grass, sky and a cloud. Shot it the Palouse one of my favorite places for doing landscapes with a P65+ camera. Amazing detail and simple composition.
Good day, hope you are ready for Holiday cheer. Two of my bus and their wive and girlfriend arrived last night. My third son will be here today. Going to be a great weekend and Christmas. This shot was made on one of my three trips to Antarctica. It is in Deception BAy. THis is actually a collapsded volcano and it is really hard to get into. The place is huge and beautiful with an old whaling station on it. Very seldom do you find a crystal clear day like the one I did this picture on. I just love Antarctica and I am working on organizing a Photo expedition there in 2013.
No matter where you look there is ice. I guess Iceland gets the name with ice in it for a reason. In certain parts of Iceland there are many glaciers and I am talking really big glaciers. And these Glaciers loose Ice all the time. This is a shot of an iceberg with a big glacier behind it. I believe the glaciers is called Steinholtsjökull, good luck on pronouncing it. This glacier like a lot of others has a lake at the bottom of it that icebergs break off into and float around. With all good landscape shots it is good to have a foreground and the iceberg did a great job of providing the foreground against this large glacier.
While in Iceland last year I kept driving a route along the coast and I kept seeing this church way on top of a hill. I shot images of the church with long lens as clouds descended on it and birds flew around it. Finally one day I decided to find the church and searched for the roads leading to the church. It was a small church and I found my way to the top of the hill it sat on. From its vantage point you could see the ocean and coast for miles and the beautiful landscape all around. Of course I expected the doors to be locked but I was surprised to see them open. Inside was a warm cozy beautifully maintained interior. I had to shoot pictures so I shot the interior of the church and the organ, pews and alter as well as todays shot of the church bible. I was using a P65+ so detail was something I knew could be captured. I really liked this image because of the way the light came though and hit the awl and bible. Maybe I should have lit the candles, but I had no matches. Anyway the detail is so good that on the 30×40 print you can read all the works on the bible’s open pages. Maybe I’ll post the organ form the church in a future blog. I actually did a four exposure stitch of that one.
Near Moab Utah there are two incredible National Parks, Canyon-lands and Arches. In Arches there are some incredible views. This is one of them. I messed around with it in an program called TOPAZ and turned into a painterly look. Just something different and it looks cool.
Here is a shot that shows how simple a nice image can be. Made in the Redwood Forrest of N. California I used the elements in the scene to keep your eye moving yet settle. This was shot with a Phase One P65+ and the detail is amazing. I call it immersive imaging. Meaning you step up a 4×6 foot print and you are ten feet away looking at it. You see something and you move up to an inch away to see the detail you can’t see everyday. Thus, the image has immersed you.
My inventory of beautiful landscapes is large and last night I was sorting some images from Iceland and came on this. I cleaned it up a little bit and wanted to share it here today. Iceland is one of the most majestic places on the planet. I will leading a workshop there end of MAy 2012 so stay tuned for information on that. This shot was made at Jokulsarlon bay which is a lagoon that is filled with icebergs from a very large glacier nearby. These icebergs float around the lagoon eroding and taking on the most mazing forms. Then they are washed out to sea and some of them land on the beach nearby at low tide. The whole area is just amazing.
Got cold here today (chilly) but none the less I thought ice. So, it’s iceberg picture time. Another image from thousands that I have of ice and cold in Antarctica. This was a beautiful blue iceberg that slipped into a bay where our ship was anchored. we did a Zodiac cruise around it and I shot a number of angles. I like this low angle and the deep blue. Shot with a Phase One P65+ and a 28mm lens hand held.