The Australia Outback . . . an amazing place with immense landscapes. This was photographed with a Phase One P65+ set in vertical position and stitched from 5 images. It’s just a nice image to view not to mention amazing place to visit.
Every year I spend a week with a group of fellow photographers and friends. We go to a special location, shoot a lot of photos, talk photography and drink fine wine. Last year we visited Olympic National park and had perfect weather and shot lots of good images. One evening were photographing the sunset on the Pacific Ocean and it was tough scene. It was a classic case where HDR was needed. But to shoot multiple exposures with water that is in continuous motion is near impossible. Lucky for me I was shooting with a Phase One P65+ and this amazing camera has a huge dynamic range. So what I did was find an exposure I like, processed it out by setting exposure sliders in capture One to 2 stops over and 2 stops under and then normal. I took the three images and used Photomatix to handle the HDR. I made several varieties of HDR some very natural looking and a few like this are best described as nuclear. So, enjoy my nuclear sunset.
I love Chicago and especially the buildings and bridges. Everything there just feels massively solid. I love shooting with the Phase One P65+ and I do a lot of hand held work with it. So, on a visit last year to Chicago I got up early and wandered the streets. This is one of the shots I came back with. I like it because it shows the old rivets and solid steel feel of the bridge and then a modern shiny sky-scraper arising from the right side. Shot with a P65+ and a wide angle lens hand held.
Speaking of architecture, Phase One is going to be holding an Architecture PODAS workshop in Chicago this summer. This will be a unique workshop lead by two of the greatest architecture shooters of today. Each participant will get a Phase One camera and P65+ back to work with. It will be three days of intense interior and exterior shooting as well as classroom time on post production and business. Watch www.phaseone.com/podas for news on this soon. Sign up on the site if you want to receive more information.
Back to the blog after a few days of traveling and having some surgery. I had a bit of basil cell cancer removed from my face and thought it would be a cake walk but by the time I was through, I now have like 30 stitches on my face. I am told the scar won’t be bad. At my age a few scars are good to have.
The photo today was taken in Death Valley. There is an old abandoned Borax mine in Death Valley junction that I had a blast shooting at. This is a shot taken with a Phase One P65 and then played with a bit on the iPad. I like the whole feel.
Speaking of Death Valley, I am leading a workshop there in April. Visit www.phaseone.com/podas for details.
The redwood forest, is one of my favorite places to explore camera. This picture was done a few years ago in Northern California at the Redwood Forest. The best way to shoot this force is a drive down a road, find a spot you like, I walk into the forest. After a little while you will always find a spot that has more ground in the background and the right light. Such as it was with this particular picture. This was photographed with a Phase One p45+ camera. The detail the actual print is truly amazing. Click on the images to see larger and then click again, use the back arrow to return to original.Hope you enjoy.
I do like cold places and I am always fascinated by ice. Some of my best photos are of ice. This shot was part of a series of close-ups of ice taken on an iceberg beach in Iceland. The story is that there is a glacier nearby and as the glacier calves, the icebergs slowly flow out o t the ocean. At high tide they are pushed to the beach and when the tide goes out they are stranded. The beach is littered with icebergs. Some as big as a house or car and some the size of baseballs. They are like finding diamonds. I like this one and others like it as the light comes through and reveals the beautiful patterns the icebergs have. Look for more in the near future.
Don’t forget you can click on an image to see it larger and click again to see even more detail. Use you browser web button to back out to regular size.
One of my favorite places to do photography is Death Valley. It is a most remarkable place with a ton of things to photograph. As you know if you are a regular reader I am a big fan of rust and decay and I was fortunate to find this old Borax mine in Death Valley Junction. This locations is about 45 minutes from the park itself. I played with this image by shooting it with a P65+ then importing into my iPhone where I applied some effects then took it back to Capture One for some more adjustments. Just a little fun with an interesting image.
This beautiful photo was taken in Iceland a few months ago. Needless to say I am in love with this magnificent country and look forward to many return trips. It is photo rich as we would say. This is one of hundreds of waterfalls around Iceland. I like this just because it has a different shape than others. The valley in the background also adds to it.
Down the street from my home is the mid-west’s premier concert hall – The Palladium. It is one beautiful building. This os supposed to be one of the mots advanced state of the art concert halls in the US. I have enjoyed the privileges of doing photography at the center. This image was done with a Phase One P65+ 60megapixel camera and a 45mm lens. It is a pano image comprised of eleven images stitched together in photoshop. After the stitching was done I did work on perspective as well as retouching imperfections of the building which is final stages of construction. With eleven images stitched together with each image being 360 megabytes each you can just imagine how big the image is. Needless to say the quality and detail is spectacular. Click on the image to see a larger view, click on it again to see even larger, use your back key to return to original image.
I had the opportunity to photograph around Iceland on two visits there this year. One area I visited with my guide Daniel Bergman was a Geo-Thermal field. It was a different kind of place. First is smelled like a million hard boiled eggs. Then there were hundreds of holes in the ground with bubbling and boiling water. This water was obviously very hot and you needed extreme care while shooting in the area as not to fall in a hole and get burned. This image was shot looking at one of these areas but what makes it is all the steam coming off similar places in the background. This was shot with the Phase One P65+.