The cool thing about Moab, Utah is you can stay in the village and with less than an hour driving time be in some amazing places. On one side of the highway is canyons and the other side arches. This was made in Arches National Park. Great hiking, lots of places to photograph. You’ll need at least several days to capture the area properly. Sunrise and sunset are the best times obviously. The air is clear and if you get there late October to early November you may get a beautiful dusting of snow.
Category: Olympus OM-E1
Dragging The Shutter

Every now and then I like to play. Actually I like to play a lot. I was at the state fair last August and went to the carriage event in the arena area. I decided I’d take all images at long exposure. This meant using the motor drive and just trying to get focus correct and then to move the camera with the subject. I shot hundreds of images and a good deal of them didn’t turn out. But, every now and then you get a winner. Here is one I liked.

While traveling in Cornwall, UK a few months ago I was trying out and doing a lot of testing with the Olympus OMD E-M1 camera. At one point we were crossing a river on a ferry and I saw these anchored ships and sailboat. I thought it would be interesting to shoot with a long lens compressing the background in the shot. It looked in the end best in Black and White.

I don’t like being tourist. I do everything I can not to be classified as a tourist during my travels. On my visit I was asked if I wanted to visit Stonehenge. I heard so much about Stonehenge that I couldn’t say no. Little did I know it was a giant tourist destination. I was bait disappointed that such a magnificent place was roped off and that were so many people there. Thus I became more interested in the tourists shooting photos then the location itself. Thus I call this image Tourists
Home Away From Home
Heavy Metal Again
Just Having Some Fun

I love animals. They have not a care in the world. They are here to share their love with us and to show us how to have fun. This photo should say it all. There is one way to live and that is full steam ahead. I shot a ton of images of these two dogs playing. Just like I shot a ton of the Arctic foxes playing this past summer in Svalbard. No matter where you go you will see animals having a good time. I guess I’ll have to pick up a stick and run a little and see who wants to chase me.
Abstract Fun

My friend Art Wolfe is one of the most respected photographers out there. I have enjoyed shooting with him in various locations around the world. One of the things that always amazes me is how he sees. He can see the big picture that may be mundane and nothing and see the smaller masterpiece in it. This image is like that. On the rear of a large and old crane in a shipyard was the deeply embossed letters and name of the maker of the crane. This shot it just a portion of that. Yet, if you didn’t know what it was you maybe would not be able to figure out what you were looking at. I challenge myself where ever I am to not only see the big picture, but also to look for the small picture too. Thanks Art!
Getting Ready To Fish
Sitting By The Dock Of The Bay

I still have a lot of nice images to share from my week in Cornwall, UK. Today’s image was made in Charleston Harbour in Cornwall. I made it with the Olympus OMD E-M1. I used art mode for BW that allowed me to shoot RAW as well as have a JPEG in BW as shown. This makes using the camera a lot of fun. I saw these guys sitting on the bench and just had to make a photo of them. Black and White makes the image really nice.