Debra and I were out to dinner the other night. Upon leaving the restaurant we were blasted with this magnificent sunset. Giant clouds and the whole sky was lit up. The chase was on as we rushed towards home to find a good spot to shoot. The problem with living where we are is that there are building and trees everywhere so it’s hard to get a good shot without wires and building. Lucky for us the sunset continued for a while and we pulled into our neighborhood. There is a lake and a building we affectionately call the Pyramids in our neighborhood. I always have a camera in the car so I got and went to take this shot. The camera is the Fuji X100F. Fast and easy to use and it gave me a great image. Just to be safe I did take one on my iPhone. My wife got a lovely image too with hers being lower to the water. It’s not too often we see sunsets like this.
Category: Fuji X100
New Zealand Land Of Beautiful Light

We are on our second day of the PODAS workshop in New Zealand. We have a great group of attendees and instructors. Best of all we have had the most incredible sunsets and sunrises that I have experienced in quite some time. We are shooting so much cool stuff. If you are not a friend of mine on FaceBook please just type my name into the search menu and become a friend. That way you can see posts as they happen. Also, visit the PODAS blog at and see our workshop as it happens.
Made It To Copenhagen

Well, I made it to Copenhagen today. Didn’t get bumped up to business class on this trip, so I rode with the folks in the back. Made it though, but tired and have been suffering all day to stay awake so I could get a real solid nights sleep and wake up on the new time some tomorrow. I’ll be at the Phase One offices for this week in meetings and doing planning for upcoming PODAS workshops. The week will go fast. To help alleviate my jet lag I took a photo walk about this afternoon. Cold day but the sun was peeking through the clouds so I got a few good images. Took a break halfway and enjoyed an Irish Coffee. Copenhagen is such a civilized city. This is a shot of the canal in Nyhavan, where there is usually a big party going on. The place in the summer is solid with people and outdoor cafes. Not today. I’ll have more Denmark pictures as the week goes forth.
Man In Window

I love doing what is called street photography. This is a form of photography where you walk the streets and shoot pictures of things that are happening. while in new Zealand I received a NEW Fuji x100 which is kind of the old classic rangefinder camera in digital. This makes absolute no noise so it is easy to walk down the street and see something and shoot it with out a lot of fuss. Here is one of the street shot images from Queenstown, NZ. Just a man in the window with a glass of wine.