If you have been following my work, you know I like simple compositions. I see things that many people wouldn’t find worthy of a photo. Like this shot of a switch and light bulb. It’s a simple composition that works. What do you think?
Category: Fuji X1 Pro
When visiting Iceland it is a fun side trip to find and visit a puffin colony. These cute birds usually nest along cliffs and there are some spots in Iceland where they are quite prevalent. They are colorful birds and put on quite a show. During the nesting times, these birds will fly into the ocean, grab some krill and fly up to the cliff. They then wait a few minutes to make sure the coast is clear and then fly to their chicks with a mouth full of food. I shot a ton of images of the Puffins and used the Fuji XT-2 and 100-00mm lens. It was great fun plus I got some nice images.
The Opera House

I love design and abstracts of buildings. Looking for and photographing these kind of shots is something I look forward to when visiting small and large cities. This is image, is the well know Opera House in Sydney Australia. It’s an amazing building and very iconic. I have done a lot of images of this building and the ones I have that are different work best for me. I converted this to black and white and like the subtle tonality and angles. Hope you enjoy it.
Cypress Trees Tuscany

Yes this shot is pretty iconic but I like it and wanted to share it. These are the famous Cypress Trees in Tuscany. As you are diving down the road you’ll always find a few cars pulled off at this location shooting these trees. The key is getting good light and a good sky. I have shot this location in complete fog, sunrise and sunset. Each time I come away with some nice images. This is just a nice feel good spot.
Sunset – Broome, Australia

At Luminous-Landscape we just announce a new workshop to explore the Kimberley region of Australia on the Tue North, a magnificent yacht with a a helicopter. We also just release a VIDEO of this amazing location and previous trip. Check out the links. And, please consider joining us for a great adventure.
Magic Of San Miguel

I am in beautiful San Miguel doing some Luminous-landscape business and shooting whenever possible this beautiful city and region. I’ll be out with my business partner Michael Reichmann for the next few days exploring some great Mexican Landscapes. Look for upcoming images. Todays image was made in San Miguel yesterday while walking to lunch. I just loves the light, the subject and what they were doing. No matter who you meet here they all seem happy. Very festive place. More images will be coming.
Tuscany Latch
Tuscany Well
Montgomery Reef

As you have seen from previous posts, i made a recent trip to the Kimberley region of Austrailia. Amazing doesn’t come close to describing what a great trip it was. we had a helicopter at our disposal (i wasn’t free) and it allowed us to go places and see things that weren’t possible without it. This is an image made from the helicopter of the Montgomery Reef and amazing place in the middle of the ocean off the coast of NW Austrailia.
Tuscany Wall

Tuscany is known for never ending landscapes and rolling hells. There also numerous small towns and villages which offer unique and fun places to shoot. This is an image form a very small community. The wall just begged to be photographed. I love the expose brick and color of the wall plus the color of the window.