It has been a busy week. I started in Chicago doing scouting and set up for the July PODAS Architecture Workshop. followed that up visiting schools and doing a Phase One IQ rollout. Got back to Indy, changed suitcases and was headed to Atlanta for a few days at the SPE – Society Of Photographic Educator conference. all of it was buys and a lot of Phase One business. All good. Now I am back in the office for a week doing follow-up as well as prep work for the Death VAlley workshop as well as Ireland workshops coming up soon. Then on Sunday I attended a workshop held by my friend Harry Sandler on iPhone Photography.
Today’s shot was made in Mexico on a recent trip there in San Miguel. I did this with a Panosonic GH2 which is a great street shooters camera. I love shooting people on the street and this is a good shot of a local. I’ll be using the GH2 for upcoming blog images for the PODAS workshops. It does great videos too.