Everyone is doing to so why not me? This is a selfie I made recently on a trip to Chicago. Done early in the morning at the Bean when no one else was there. I had fun shooting reflections and trying to get something different. Mission accomplished!
One of the prettiest places I have visited in recent years is the Dolomites in Italy. There are so many beautiful landscapes to photograph. One morning w did a sunrise shoot along a road with this church and small village in the foreground. It was one of those grand sunrises as you can see.
This image was made in New Zealand. We were driving to a landscape location and I saw this dam and we turned around to shoot it. I like the geometry and industrial feel. It’s fun to try something different. Sharp angles and lines make for interesting images. Black and white was the way to go.
I have been spending what little spare time I have organizing my photos from the last few years. It’s a mammoth task and one I say I will stay on top of from now on. Here’s to hoping I do. This is an image I found shot 2 years ago in New Zealand. This a tree that is photographed a lot. I guess because it sits out in this filed and a small pond by itself. Once again I saw it in B&W.
While traveling in Cornwall, UK a few months ago I was trying out and doing a lot of testing with the Olympus OMD E-M1 camera. At one point we were crossing a river on a ferry and I saw these anchored ships and sailboat. I thought it would be interesting to shoot with a long lens compressing the background in the shot. It looked in the end best in Black and White.
I love Chicago. It’s one city I never get tired of shooting in. The architecture is second to none and offers the urban landscape photographer so many possibilities. This image was made right after sunrise of the Aqua Towers. This is a giant condo building that is designed to look like a wave. The trick is to use a long lens, expose for the highlights and shoot the building in high contrast with am abstract look. I shot this with a Fuji X-t1 and 55-200mm lens.
The trip Scotland has been so much fun. If you ever travel to Isle Of Skye, bring good boots, waterproof pants and a good waterproof out shell. There are not to many places you can have wind, rain, rainbows and sun all at the same time. You need to be ready for the changing environment. This is a lighthouse that takes a while to reach by car but is really cool to shoot. I decided to turn the image into Black and White as the scene hardly had any color in it. This was shot with the Fuji X-T1 which I was using for the trip to write a story on. In this shot I really like the balance of the sea to the land and the contrast of the shot.
What a great week in Scotland. Sorry there haven’t been more posts but the internet was so slow there was no way to post anything. I’m in Amsterdam now doing an overnight before heading back to the US. Scotland through everything it had at us from wind and rain to blue skies and sun. This is the second of my biblical images I made on the trip. Done with an ALPA And Phase One IQ260. The light was unreal. We had rainbows too. I’ll post those shots in the coming days. For now please enjoy this.
It has been a little while since I have made a post on my blog and I apologize. I have been extremely busy on many projects. Right now I am in Scotland at Isle Of Skye. This is an amazing place. I am leading a photo workshop here with Steve Gosling and Joe Cornish. We have great group of attendees and even though we have had to deal with the famous Isle Of Skye weather we have been capturing some amazing images like the one above. Once I get back from this trip I’ll post more. I’ll try to post another tomorrow. This image I think almost looks Biblical. Hope you enjoy it. Made with a Phase One IQ160 digital back on an Alpa camera with 72mm lens.