On one of my many trips into Death Valley I experienced a huge dark storm that was making its way across the valley. I had to stop the car and shoot this image. I have been in Death Vally on numerous occasions and on a number of those I experienced storms. I must be bad karma.
I spent 10 days recently in Tuscany. You have seen some of the images. There are more to come. After the PODAS workshop I was leading I spent a day in Rome with Art Wolfe doing a day in Rome photography. one of the places we visited and it was a very inspiring visit was to the Basilica. This is one of the most incredible building I have ever seen. I was immediately dropped into a Dan Brown novel as I toured this spot. This is one of the images I made looking up at the center of the building. Everywhere you looked there was symbolism and art. Just fantastic.
When I was in Sydney last month I would go out every morning before breakfast and just do street shooting. On two of those mornings it was foggy. Fog and rain always lend a different look to the city. This is an image I made showing the famous Sydney Opera House. The fog changed the look. The person added something to the shot. Made with a Fuji X1-Pro and a 55-200 zoom.
This is a tree I shot in a gorger in Austrailia. Austrailia has lots of surprises. Many photographers would by this tree and not shoot it as it is just a tree. However, if you know your camera and know how to post process and image you can take a shot like this and make it a good final image. I used Capture One Pro to make this image and a number of tools available in it. First started with color balance. Then I worked contrast and saturation. This was followed by some local adjustments and the use of color editor to fine tune certain colors. Then I vignetted the shot as well as used local adjustments to darken parts of the image. I tried this in Lightroom too and I am pretty good with both, but LR couldn’t come close to the color and detail that Capture One made.
Ever wonder what holds up the great Sydney Bridge? this is an image of one of the four footings. Can you imagine the size of the wrench needed to tighten these big nuts? Actually I like the geometry and feel of this. Sometimes man made things are so much fun to shoot images of.
I have returned from an amazing trip in the Kimberley, Australia. This was an incredible area of magnificent beauty. The trip was aboard the True North a small and very cool cruise ship designed to explore this area of the world. We also had a helicopter on board that allowed us access to areas no one else could get to. So over the coming days you’ll be seeing some images from this trip. Today’s image was made in Broome, Austrailia before we started the trip.
So what did you do this morning? On this PODAS workshop during the morning of June 4th we woke up for a sunrise shoot as the True North cruised the Prince Regent River. We had coffee the Eggs Benedict on the bow of the ship. Then we turned a corner and saw these amazing waterfalls the King Cascade. The Captain then drove the boat into the falls and anyone that wanted to and there were a number of hearty souls were able to take a falls shower. Of course we had the Phase One cameras and waterproof housing as well as a lot of people taking photos of us. It was a blast. Then we got into the tenders and some people climbed to the top of the waterfalls and others went ashore to shoot the waterfalls and some of us went crocodile hunting (photography wise). That was followed by morning tea with tasty scones. Then some went on the helicopter to shoot rock art, and some went fishing. And, all of this was before lunch. What an incredible trip so far. What amazing images all of us are getting. Lots of fun. And now it is lunch time.