A while back I got to try out the Phase One 100 MP digital back on some locations around Indianapolis. One of those locations was the Masonic Lodge. This is a beautifully contracted building of stone on the outside and magnificent ornate wood construction on the inside. I was able to shoot all over the building. This image, though, was one of my favorites. It’s several images stitched together to cover the immense size of the auditorium. Exposure was tricky too but the Phase One camera’s dynamic range handled it well. Enjoy.
Tag: Phase One
Bridgeton Revisited With The Phase One XT

Bridgeton, IN is a special place. It has a covered bridge, waterfall and a grist mill. Combine it with a dramatic sky and it lends itself to a great testing ground for the Phase One XT camera system. The Phase One XT is a sort of a technical camera with a number of cool features. One of those is Frame Averaging. This feature allows for the camera to do the work of a neutral density filter. I never realized just how cool this feature was until I used it and instantly became addicted to it. The method is pretty simple. First you pick an exposure and focus the way you want it for a single exposure. Once you have an image that works for you it’s time to choose what timing you want of a long exposure. You may want a 20 second exposure to get a nice blur to water or clouds or even a longer one for more dramatic results. For me, I take a number of various timed exposures and then choose what works best. Eventually you get good at figuring things out for desired exposures.
These are two images one straight exposure and one for a two minute plus exposure. I’ll have lots more to say about this in a future article on photoPXL.com in the near future.
Kevin Raber
March 28,2021
Please Visit . . .
If you are interested in seeing more work by Kevin Raber and purchasing his work for your own, please visit RaberEYES.com
Kevin also runs workshops for photographers all over the world at Rockhopper Workshops
Kevin also has. a major website for all photography enthusiasts with articles, forums, tutorials, community and more at photoPXL.com
Kevin also shares his work daily on Facebook and Instagram
Death Valley Sunset
I have been to Death Valley at least a dozen times. Each time is different and I am always discovering new locations to take photos from. The shot above was made late one day a few winters ago while on my way back from visiting Bodie. Bodie is one of the strangest towns you can visit. A few hours there feels like a day and it’s kind of one of those oddball towns with oddball people. I highly recommend a visit there. Anyway on my way back from the visit I came over the mountain and the whole valley had a spectacular set of clouds over it. And, the sun was going down. So I drove downhill to a location that gave a clear view of the valley and let the magic happen. It was like the whole sky was on fire. I used a wide-angle lens to get as much sky as I could. The photo below was one of the workshop attendees silhouetted against the sky.
Please Visit . . .
If you are interested in seeing more work by Kevin Raber and purchasing his work for your own, please visit RaberEYES.com
Kevin also runs workshops for photographers all over the world at Rockhopper Workshops
Kevin also has. a major website for all photography enthusiasts with articles, forums, tutorials, community and more at photoPXL.com
Kevin also shares his work daily on Facebook and Instagram
August 2020
Castle Eilean Donan

I have visited Scotland a few times while running photo workshops there. It’s an amzingly beautiful country with all sorts of photographic surprises. One plave that I alwasy visit is Castle Eilean Donan. No matter what time of day you go you can find good shots. During the day though you may find too many tourists. I like to shoot at dawn and dusk. This is one image of the castle I really like.
Ormiston Gorge

A few years ago I did the Red Center in Australia. Before we got too deep in the outback we visited Ormiston Gorge a littles ways from Alice Springs. There are a number of gorges in cental Australia. during some of the year there is hardly any water running in them. when I visited there was great water and I was able to do some nice images. This is a pano image done from a small uprise in the middle of the river. my feet got wet and cold but I got the shot.
A Day At Work

I am in a very busy two week video shoot on a variety of topics in a couple of different locations. This shot was made yesterday in the Luminous-Landscape offices in Indianapolis. Actually doubles as my gallery. With me at the table is Lau Norgaard from Phase One. We discussed in depth the new Phase One 100mp camera they recently released. This is a good shot that shows what’s involved in doing a shoot. Today we pick back up doing a tutorial on Capture One. Next week I’ll be in NYC doing a number for different videos and interviews on various topics. Once we get it edited we will start sharing it on the Luminous-Landscape website. Stay tuned.
Doing It The Hard Way

I grew up using view cameras and taking a long time to compose and shoot an image. For a good part of my career I worked for Phase One a camera and digital back company making the best cameras in the world. While at Phase One I shot many great photos and was patient doing my images. It took a while to compose images and shoot with a Phase One system. After leaving Phase One and joining Luminous-Landscape I have had the chance to shoot with almost every camera made. I love the freedom the 11 frames per second and how fast I can see a shot and take it. This past week I was shooting with the new Phase One 100 mega pixel that is on loan to me for a while. I put the back on my ALPA technical camera system and went to shoot at two venues in Indianapolis. I did this with friend and fellow photographer Chris Barrett from Chicago a notable interior and architectural photographer. I had all these plans to shoot a number of different location but it just didn’t happen. It took time to set up the shot and take it. Some exposures were more than three minutes. The image above was made at the Scottish Rites Cathedral in Indianapolis and took two hours to shoot plus some more work in post processing. The detail in this image is amazing. Hope you can at least enjoy it at the size above.
Hunts Mesa Pano

I previously posted a smaller version of this image. This shot was stitched together from Phase One IQ files to make this Pano. It shows the immense scene we could see from a top of this Mesa. It doesn’t replace being there or even the trip to get there. What a day.
Wall In Mexico

This image was shot earlier this this year near San Miguel, Mexico. It’s part of an old silver mine that we spent time in shooting. It struck me because of the colors and cactus as well as the window in the wall. Shot with a Phase One IQ180 camera and processed in Capture One.