WOW, What a week. The company I work for Phase One has announced a whole new line of game changing digital camera backs. The IQ180 is an 80megapixel capture with a revloutionary interface for working with the camera and has a ton of ultra cool features. I am proud that I have the only one in North America and have had the chance to shoot with it. The results are astounding.
I am now in San Miguel, Mexico visiting Michael Reichmann who is host of one of the web’s most popular photography sites. Michael is field testing the back this week along with a host of other notable reviewers. I head to San Francisco on Wednesday for several days there showing the back to a few VIP photographers. Watch the blog for more information. You can read more about this back on Lumninous-Landscape forum as well as getDPI forum.
Today’s picture was shot with the NEW IQ180 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on a very cold evening at dusk. This camera back has a huge dynamic range and with a little work I was able to make an image that has a huge range of color and exposure. The file is huge 480 megbytes in size. I look forward to making a print when my travel schedule slows down a bit.