One of my favorite flowers and a flower I run into in almost every corner of the world is a Lupin. While in Punta Arenas, Chile prior to this years Antarctica trip we came upon a large field of Lupins. So, we had a fun time shooting and I decided that I needed to do a some post processing technique on the image so it wouldn’t look like just another flower photo.
Every now and then I like to switch things up a bit. I visited the Tulip Festival as I try to do every year in Holland , Michigan. This year it was not so great, cold, rainy and most of the tulips had already lost their leaves due to an early spring with warm weather. None the less I found this guy in a flower box in town. Color and rain drops as well as the flowers behind make it work. Good way to start the day.
I have been up since 2:30 AM in Iceland, because there is always light and we were going to shoot some early morning light photos. Who were we fooling? We drive all over this Peninsula, it is pouring down rain and the winds are blowing 50 plus MPH. Quite a day. Now I am like a junkie I need my fix, I need to shoot something. We stop at a small hotel with a cafe and the owner brews us some of the finest coffee there is. Sitting at the table overlooking the ocean with giant waves and things that fly by the window once in a while I get more depressed as it looks like I might not shoot anything all day. Then I see a flower on my table. I say oh yeah…and I get my iPhone out. switch it on to Hipstamatic, switch to a BW setting I like and shoot 6 pictures of this flower. Ahhhh, I feel better now and I actually had a photo I liked. So, there is always a way to get a fix, you just sometimes need to see what is front of you.