It’s been several years since I had been to Bryce Canyon National Park. I visited Bryve back in the fall and just now I’m really getting a chnce to edit and work my images. I like to photograph Bryce with long lenses. I have done way too many postcard shots of Bryce. So, I set my tripod up and put on a 100-400mm lens on my Sony a7r III and started to search through the viewfinder. The landscape would change as the sun would rise and shadows and light would dance. It was great and I had a chance to make some real nice expsoures. This is one of them.
Tag: Bryce
Magical Bryce

Bryce National PArk is a rather small park but certainly offers up some spectacular sights. As with all National Parks I visit, I love the beauty of them but as a photographer I get frustrated with the clichéd feeling of pictures. Certainly it is great to be able to take a photo from the same location many famous landscape photographers have made their images. So, when I find myself shooting at the locations I do everything I can to get something different. Something that is from a new angle, with a different lens or different lighting. If I can walk away with a different but still recognizable image then I have accomplished part of my mission. This image was made at Bryce but done with a long lens and isolates a certain part of the Hoodoos. Light also played a factor in this image giving the hillside I was shooting a very special glow.
Glowing Landscapes

It’s Wednesday morning and my return trip driving from FL to IN starts today. Good music, and a lot of time to think and contemplate will make this a good road trip. Today’s iamge was hot in Bryce Canyon. I shot this P45 a few years ago and while everyone was shooting a hill-side I focused on the distance and this si what I got. I love the glow in the image and the feel. Bryce is a cool place to visit but be warned to get the good picture there you need to be up early.