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This past week I traveled from Indianapolis to Toronto and then to San Francisco and eventually back to Indy. I made a visit to a friend and fellow photographers home and he ad a Rose garden. So, I got my iPhone out and did some quick shots of the roses. If I publish flowers I usually try to make them look different. I tried to make this one different too.  I hope you like it.


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Red car

As with some other recently posted images this is another shot at the Carmel, Auto show.  I tried looking for a shot where I could use color and one element of the car.  I ended up with a number of good candidates, but this one I choose to publish first.   This shot I aimed the camera straight down and caught a bit of my reflection (which was cool) but more of the perfect paint job, pure red and the running light.  It just feels good.

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Christiania Copenhagen

Windows – Christiania, Copenhagen

Copenhagen as you know from reading my previous posts is one of my favorite cities to visit.  So much to do, and some real good culture. I love shooting photos there. Christiania is a part of Copenhagen that was taken over by for lack of better words hippies many years ago. It was an old Army base that is now a counter culture area of the city. It is fun to visit and there is a lot of color. This image was made in the stairwell of one of the buildings leading up to a restaurant.  I saw the window with graffiti and had to shoot it.

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Fun At A Car Show

Headlight On A Classic Car

Once a year the Arts District where I live (Carmel, IN) holds a classic car show.  It is a big draw and a lot of fun to see all the cool cars that are on display.  Like all things in Carmel, it has a certain charm and small town feel.  I love going to see what I can find to take pictures of.  I look for different angles and views that are typical snapshots.  Nothing new with that but I love cars with their curves and angles.  So here is the first image.  I’ll post more soon.

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An Excellent Week In Copenhagen Continues

Copenhagen Waterfront, Denmark

This has been a intense week in Denmark with a lot being accomplished business wise with Phase One. In between work I do find sometime to take pictures and I have quite a selection of colorful and nice images I am collecting. Copenhagen waterfront is a real nice place to visit. There are all sorts of boats and a unique charm and mix of building. Here is one classic shot a sailboat and a tugboat.  Shot on an iPhone on the way to dinner.

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Nyhaven – Copenhagen, Denmark

Nyhaven, Copenhagen, Denmark

There is this area in Copenhagen that in the old days used to be a rough area and typical of the wharfs of cities.  But a while back this area was revitalized to be a popular destination.  Known as Nyhaven it is a harbor where ships tie up.   Now all the store fronts are restaurants and bars and outdoor cafes.  It is a great place to visit, very colorful, in many ways and lots to do.  I decided to try something new and get very creative.   This is a different kind of view of Nyhaven.  let me know what you think.