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Shooting With My Best Friend


I consider myself one of the luckiest guys in the world.  I have been doing photography all my life and have had a great career doing it.  I have seen things, traveled to the most incredible locations and met some of the coolest people you’d ever want to know and meet.  I am also a lucky guy because back in February 2015 I married my best friend Debra in Antarctica.  She is a trooper and she loves photography too.  Wow, how lucky could one get.  She actually gets me, understand me and tolerates me with all my travels and everything photographic that I obsess about.  Yes, she is definitely the woman for me and she is a darn good photographer too.  She has an amazing eye and it’s fun to shoot with her because even though we are at the same locations we come back with totally different images.  Here is a shot of Debra shooting away at the Methodist Church in Gary, IN.

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Church Graffiti

Graffiti - Methodist Church, Gary
Graffiti – Methodist Church, Gary

This seems to be the year of finding some great graffiti.  Gary proved no different.  This was found in the abandoned Methodist Church.  This place was huge and incredible to shoot in.. I could have spent a whole day just shooting at this one location.  In the sanctuary I saw this graffiti on the wall and decided it worthy of a photo.  Shot with the iPhone.

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Inside The Gary Post Office

Stairs In Gary Post Office
Stairs In Gary Post Office

In addition to my big bot camera the Sony a7 II I was also shooting this past weekend with the iPhone using my favorite app Hipstamatic.  This app lets you configure the camera for certain styles and then applies them to shot you take.  I love it and the next three images were made using this app and doing double exposures.  One particular selection in the app called Salvator actually does the double exposure thing when the camera is shot,  Hope you enjoy these three images.

Catwalks and Skylight
Catwalks and Skylight


A Hallway
A Hallway
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Lupins, Punta Arenas, Chile
Lupins, Punta Arenas, Chile

One of my favorite flowers and a flower I run into in almost every corner of the world is a Lupin.  While in Punta Arenas, Chile prior to this years Antarctica trip we came upon a large field of Lupins.  So, we had a fun time shooting and I decided that I needed to do a some post processing technique on the image so it wouldn’t look like just another flower photo.

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Iceland Delta

River Delta from the air in Iceland
River Delta from the air in Iceland

On our trip last week to Iceland we chartered a helicopter.  Iceland from the air is a whole other world.  We were able to open the door and the pilot did a great job getting us to the good locations.  I think he has done this before.  One of the things that becomes obvious quickly is the abstract of the landscape.  This is a shot done of a river delta and the muddy waters.  without a reference you wouldn’t know what you were looking at.  Made with the Nikon D800E with a 24-70mm lens at 1600th of a sec.

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I’m Back, So Here We Go

Sunrise At The Iceberg Lagoon, Iceland
Sunrise At The Iceberg Lagoon, Iceland

I must apologize.  No excuses, but I was super busy for the last few months on Luminous-LAndscape business.  I literally was running out of hours in a day.  So, I am now back and will do my best to get back to the routine of an image a day.   Please accept my apologies for the long absence.

I’ll kick off the new images with a shot from last week when I was in Iceland leading  workshop.  It was a great workshop with some great people.  The light lasted 24 hours a day and it was non-stop photography.  One morning we woke up and it was grey and cloudy but none the less we headed to the Iceberg Lagoon to shoot sunrise.  As it is with Iceland weather the whole grey sky changed in the 10 minute drive there.  The clouds started to part and beautiful gold sun started to peak through.  This is the shot of an iceberg with the sun common up.  Oh my do I love Iceland.  Made with a Nikon D800e and a 70-200mm lens.


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Sunset Olympic National Park

Olympic National PArk Sunset
Olympic National Park Sunset

I enjoy photographing in Olympic National Park a lot.  There is so much to shoot there.  This image was made at the 2nd Beach location.  It’s a short walk through the woods that dumps you onto this wonderful beach.  Hang around for sunset and you’ll be treated to something special.  This is an image made with a Phase One IQ160 with an ALPA camera.  I did one exposure then processed it out at 2 stops over and under plus normal.  It was the taken into PhotoMatix and tone mapped.  What this does is recover the detail in highlights and shadows and then blends them together.  A bit surreal and real at the same time.

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Having Some Fun

Chicago Abstract
Chicago Abstract

Last night I did a talk and demo at the Rivera Camera Club in Indianapolis. At these types of talks I like to take an image and work it to different levels.  This is an image that was rotated and enhanced using a variety of techniques.  Kind of goes with my current these of Architectual Abstracts.

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Lighthouse One

Lighthouse, Isle Of Skye
Lighthouse, Isle Of Skye

The trip Scotland has been so much fun.  If you ever travel to Isle Of Skye, bring good boots, waterproof pants and a good waterproof out shell.  There are not to many places you can have wind, rain, rainbows and sun all at the same time. You need to be ready for the changing environment.  This is a lighthouse that takes a while to reach by car but is really cool to shoot.  I decided to turn the image into Black and White as the scene hardly had any color in it.  This was shot with the Fuji X-T1 which I was using for the trip to write a story on.  In this shot I really like the balance of the sea to the land and the contrast of the shot.