Olympic National Park is a relatively short drive from Seattle and offers some amazing landscapes. It is special because it has a diverse micro climate. This creates an different weather pattern in various parts of the park. One part of the park is a rain forrest and they get a ton of rain. This is where your camera will fool you because you’ll never see greens like there are in ONP. This is a true I found along a hiking trail with some very nice light hitting it. IT was shot with a Phase One 60 mega pixel camera.
Stairway 1 – New Orleans
Here is another shot I did in New orleans. We were visiting a museum and next to it was an old library with all sorts of beautiful wood. I climbed the blocked off stairs of one portion of the library and turned around to see this. I loved the pulled back plastic, the backlighting and the window and railing. It just works really well.
New Orleans 1
I recently was in New Orleans scouting out locations for a workshop to be held in March 2016. I love New Orleans but for me most of my good memories are clouded as a result of partying bit too hard at Mardi Gras in my younger days. So, this time I got to see the city in a new light and clearer focus. This is an image I shot that I thought defined New Orleans. Street Cars are very popular although to me they don’t look very efficient. I liked this shot and because of the guy on the bike. I worked it a bit in post processing to get that old time look. Shot with a Fuji X-T1.
Moonrise Again
This is another of the moonrise from Antarctica. Yet this one os a tighter shot with a 600mm lens and then I did some special work on it. It turned out quite dramatic.
Icebergs #43
Ok, there are going to be a lot of iceberg images over the coming weeks, many of them in Black and White. This is a shot of two icebergs and I like the way they formed the composition. The gray sky and the blue of the bergs works well together.
Moon Setting Lemaire Channel
Well we had a great moonrise the night before. We started to transit the Lemaire Channel and the moon was setting. It was an a amazing trip through the channel.
Moonrise #12 Antarctica
This year like all years when I visit Antarctica there are special defining moments. The defining moment this year was getting married on a beach with penguins and 60 close friends. Quite an adventure. This moonrise was another define moment. And, like a lot of images you’ll see this year I am doing lot of B&W. This is moonrise #12 of a lot of moonrise shots. It was quite a moment to see this moon rise at the same time the sun was setting. Quite a night. Shot with a Sony A7 II and Tamron 150-600mm zoom.
The Streets Of Valparaiso
Street are or graffiti is illegal in Chile but you would never know it. One clever city figured if you can’t beat them then join them. So they opened up the city walls to talented street graffiti artists and have ended up with a very cool place to find very cool street art. This image was made on one of those streets. I’ll have more. Shot with a Fuji X-t1.
Parking Lot Guys
On our trip to Antarctica we took a few day layover in Santiago. Here we enjoyed shooting the streets not only in Santiago but in Valparaiso. This is the perfect place to work with the Fuji X-T1 which I used to shoot these. This shot was of two parking lot attendants in Santiago.
Icebergs In New Zealand
This image was made at Tasman Glacier Terminal Lake by Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand with a Panasonic GH2, 7-14mm zoom at 14mm 1/500th sec. at f/8, ISO. 160. New Zealand has so much to offer photographers. Just an amazing place to take pictures and see amazing things.