I have long wanted a place where I could post my images on a daily basis and share my work and what is going on in life. I travel a lot and work with a lot of very talented and cool people. I’ll share times with these folks here too. Please RSS this site and check back often. I do hope you enjoy your visits and my photography.
Pan Head Billy

This photo is one of those photos that just happens. I was shooting around Artists Palette in Death Valley and there was this guy leaning against his motorcycle admiring the light on the mountain. I took a shot and the original photo was of his back. Well, I decided to go up and talk to this guy. He was a fascinating guy and had been on the road for 17 years. His nick name was “Pan Head Billy”. As the light started to diminish and turn golden I asked if he would mind posing. So he took this pose and I took the shot. The detail on this image shows all his belongings he carries with him, his ruggedness and confidence. I put the image in my gallery and one day was messing with it on some of the apps I had and ended up with this. Hope you enjoy it.
Past Posts 2
These are images from the last few posts on Facebook. Now all my images will be posted on a daily basis from this blog.
Past Posts 1
Hello, for the last month I have been posting a photo a day on Facebook. Posting on the Facebook wall can be somewhat limited therefore I have started this blog. Each day I’ll post a new photo. These are part one on photos already published.