Many times when I am visiting Naples, FL because I have family there I venture out for a road trip. My ultimate goal is to visit Clyde Buthchers Photography Gallery which is halfway to Miami on the old two-lane highway. Along the way, there are plenty of interesting photo opportunities. There are very few places to eat but one particular place stands out. Its got great food but it is kind of rough. You know where you stand when you visit there. And, you know you will get a great meal. The place not to miss is Joanie’s Blue Crab Cafe.
So, if uou are in MIami or NAples, check these places out, load your cameras and have a fun day of exploring.
Please Visit . . .
If you are interested in seeing more work by Kevin Raber and purchasing his work for your own, please visit RaberEYES.com
Kevin also runs workshops for photographers all over the world at Rockhopper Workshops.
Kevin also has. A major website for all photography enthusiasts with articles, forums, tutorials, community, and more at photoPXL.com