I was in London just over a week ago and spent some time shooting under bridges and the patterns of some of the supporting structures. I think I need to make a project out of these.
Ahh, so many good images from my week shooting in Cornwall. Today is a shot made along the coastline. This is the Godrevy Lighthouse. I did a large number of exposures at this location so you may see more in the future. This was made with an Olympus EM-1 and 12-40 pro lens.
I have been enjoying my time in the Cornwall area of England immensely. I have been shooting almost non-stop and have seen some great sunrises and sunsets and a lot of things in between. Yesterday morning we were shooting the sunrise at a little harbor and we had a rain shower then a double rainbow. How lucky was that? It’s been one of those rainbow kind of weeks.
Seems I am in a sunset these week. I am in Cornwall and shooting a lot of images in a lot of places. This image was made today at sunset. Spent a good 2 hours shooting this lighthouse with various angles and shutter speeds. This is a good idea of why I am having so much fun here. Shot with an Olympus OMD EM-1.
I arrived in Cologne Germany with my business partner and fellow photographer Michael Reichmann yesterday. We are here to cover Photokina, the worlds largest photo show. As I always like to do in a city I visit is grab my camera and go out shooting. I took the Olympus EM-1 out yesterday and made quite a few nice images. This one of a boy playing with a balloon with his dad was the winner. I shot it wait a 100-300 lens on the camera and that allowed me to shoot from across the street without them knowing. Bottom line is spontaneity.
If you have been following me for a while you know I love rust and decay. One thing I really love is peeling paint. I am thinking of doing project where all I shoot and show is peeling paint. The image above was made looking straight up at a ceiling in an abandoned house in the Palouse. I centered the lightbulb and like that with all the abstract of the peeling paint there is the circular object obviously man made. Fun stuff.
I have been playing wit this image for a while. This a shot of a ship that was wrecked or beached in Svalbard, Norway. It has all the things I like, decay and rust in a beautiful setting. I shot it at the angle I did to utilize the lines of the boat in the composition. This was made with a Nikon d*00e and a 24-70mm lens.
I am happy to announce the opening of a one man show of my work at The Tarkington Towers Gallery, this Friday September 12, 2014. The opening reception is from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. Please come on by and visit and enjoy some real good wine and cheese. I’ll have a large number of 30×40 inch and larger images on display. these are images made from both polar regions as well as places in between. The Location is 4000 N. Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN. The show runs through October 8th. See you there!
Where on earth can you find colors like these. The Palouse is like the color chip rack of a paint store. The is a classic example of the natural beauty in the Palouse during the harvest. Freshly plowed fields next to fields that have just been harvested. And, for a real treat you should see this place in the spring time.