I love images that are so simple they just work. This is one of those images. This was shot in Tuscany in April 2013. We had one of those picture perfect days. The clouds, hill and position of the trees were all aligned for a great shot.
At certain times of year in Antarctica the days are very long. There are sunsets that blend into sunrises. There is color and beauty that you can only see at the bottom of the world. This is one of those typical sunset – sunrises. I am so looking forward to visiting there again later this year. For now it is off to Australia in a few days for what promises to be a great 2 weeks of photography.
Near as I can figure and from what I have been told, many Italian families with large properties in Tuscany built their own family chapels. You can find these dotting the landscape all over Italy. This one chapel I came back to time and time again as it could be shot at different times of days and from far away or close-up. This one shot from the field in front of the chapel. The field was all yellow and I decided to use this as an extreme foreground and position the chapel in the upper right. I think it works.
Sometimes sunrises don’t have sun. They still offer a chance to shoot some nice images as in this image. We made it to the top of an overlook hill. We could see two different valleys. Fog was rolling in and changing the scene every few minutes allowing for a lot of picture taking. After viewing the images I selected this one as one that works well. Hope you enjoy it.
Tuscany landscapes have building in them. Stone elegant buildings. You actually figure ways to use these building in your images. This is a shot done at sunset where the buildings do a lot to make the image. All I can say are the sunsets are so colorful and the light just begs to be photographed. I shot this with a Phase One IQ260 that has a lot of dynamic range capability and allowed me to keep detail in highlights and shadows. It would have been hard to make this shot with a DSLR camera.
Seems that one thing that is very noticeable in Tuscany are the trees. These in most cases are Cedar trees that dot property borders and hillside peaks. These trees are sometimes group as in this picture. This set of trees is very iconic in Tuscany and at almost any time of day you can find tourists shooting this location. The trick is to get there at the right time of day and catch it at sunset or sunrise with soft warm light and hopefully as in this image some nice clouds.
During our PODAS photography workshop in Tuscany we did take time to visit villages and cities so we could get a real feel of the Tuscany Landscape. One of these cities is Siena an absolutely beautiful old city that has a giant square or plaza. They are famous for the cathedral there as well as horse races. The above image was made by taking a number of images with the Fuji Pro X 1 and stitching them together.
So many places to shoot images that are keepers in Tuscany. This image was made from a spot we found along the side of the road. we were looking down into this valley and just as were getting the cameras ready the whole valley lit up. I immediately rush and started shooting. The results are perfect. Very different shooting here but a new experience that has it challenges. I love it.
I am totally in love with Tuscany. It’s a very different kind of landscape as it is big and broad and lacks a lot of foreground that I am so used to using in typical landscape shots. So, I rely on light and the composition to keep the eye moving in the right direction. This is some magic light. After an early morning sunrise shoot we were driving down the road and there was great light lighting up the hillside through breaks in the clouds. Made with the Phase One IQ160 camera with a 240mm lens.