There is a lot to like about Buenos Aires. It is a city of color, intrigue, danger and some pretty cool people. In the La Boca area of the city is a charming colorful section of shops and homes. Mostly made of corrugated tin. On the streets there are couples that grab tourists and tango with them, for a price of course. everyone has their hand out for the dollar. So, while enjoying this area photographically I saw this girl waiting for her next dance. I loved the image because of the leg and head and the way they looked. I took the images made with a Canon 5dII and put it in my iPad and manipulated it using a great new program called snapseed. I will post another image tomorrow from the same area.
Interesting photo with the litter on the ground and Ms.Tango in a
dress and the naked man behind her, you always end up in the best places.