Happy New Year

Sometimes magic happens and it often does when in Iceland. I sometimes think Iceland was created just for photographers as it is one of the most incredible landscapes in the world and I have seen a lot of them. It was around 10:30 at night and the sun was low on the horizon. We were shooting this really nice lake with dark stones and solid white patches of snow. We then looked far off and saw this rainbow forming. It got larger and larger and brighter too. I put on my long lens with a polarizer and started shooting. Finally I backed off on the zoom a bit and got this image that I really like.
I have been enjoying my time in the Cornwall area of England immensely. I have been shooting almost non-stop and have seen some great sunrises and sunsets and a lot of things in between. Yesterday morning we were shooting the sunrise at a little harbor and we had a rain shower then a double rainbow. How lucky was that? It’s been one of those rainbow kind of weeks.
Trying to type a few sentences and my new kitten seems to want to help. She has a fascination with keyboards and screen cursors. This shot was made earlier this summer in iceland, one of my favorite spots of all time. This is a waterfall and it was at sunset creating a very cool rainbow. Shot with a Phase One IQ180.