As you saw in a previous entry I visited the 9/11 memorial recently. For me it was very moving and I have my reasons. As we prepare to remember 9/11 tomorrow I will share my latest image made at the Memorial. Please take a moment on 9/11 and remember where you were when that awful day began. Let’s not ever forget.
Tag: NYC
World Trade Center

September is here and on the 11th of each September I am reminded of a day that changed all our lives. I have my own reasons to be emotional about 9/11. let’s just say I was little too close that day. So, for years I avoided returning to Ground Zero. However, on a recent trip to NYC I took a deep breath and visited the location on a sunny warm day. All I can say is it was very emotional for me. I did a number of photographs during the visit. I’ll publish a selection here this month. This is the first one which is a double exposure and I feel says something. Hope you like it.
One Of My Favorite Stores

Who hasn’t made a visit to an Apple store. I know the one close to me is so jammed with people sometimes that they make you wait in line to get in. What kind of retail store does that? One that ha s set new records for sales per square feet and always makes it fun to visit. Other retailers could only wish they had lines outside of their stores. And, then there is Microsoft who is building store right across from some Apple locations hoping to grab the leftovers. Funny to see as there is never anyone in the Microsoft store. They just don’t get it. This image is of the Apple store in NYC. I think tomorrow I’ll post another image from the same store. Since this shot was made they have completely re-done the famous glass cube so this shot is now kind of unique. If you are not using an Apple product you owe to yourself to come over to to the light and then you’ll wonder why you waited so long. And, get an iPad while you are at it.