Pixel is now 9 months old. I never intended to have a cat. Never even thought I was a cat person. Then while visiting the Humane Society of Indianaplois with Debra to help her select a cat I saw this cute kitten in one of the cages. I asked if I could see her and they took her out of the cage. She was only 8 weeks old and so tiny I could hold here in the palm of my hand. She looked at me, big intense eyes, then she closed them as only a cat could do when they were content, and she had me. She had a rough start and was quite sick for a week a few days after I got her home, but she is a fighter and has grown into an incredible beautiful and loving animal. This cat and I have become one. She has changed my life with her spirit, adventures, and her ability to know when it is time to give her affection. She plays fetch with rubber bands, explores everything, has her own language and is quite the talker and does funny things that make me laugh. She has made me a better person. Who would have known? And, with what I do there was not a better name than Pixel. I guess you can tell I am a proud daddy.