I do like cold places and I am always fascinated by ice. Some of my best photos are of ice. This shot was part of a series of close-ups of ice taken on an iceberg beach in Iceland. The story is that there is a glacier nearby and as the glacier calves, the icebergs slowly flow out o t the ocean. At high tide they are pushed to the beach and when the tide goes out they are stranded. The beach is littered with icebergs. Some as big as a house or car and some the size of baseballs. They are like finding diamonds. I like this one and others like it as the light comes through and reveals the beautiful patterns the icebergs have. Look for more in the near future.
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i love this shot. your pictures are great. fun to learn about the places you’ve been and what you found there to photograph. also, i really like that you can see your images in a larger size. the detail is amazing. fun to study. great that your equipment captures it to this level.