I had the opportunity to photograph around Iceland on two visits there this year. One area I visited with my guide Daniel Bergman was a Geo-Thermal field. It was a different kind of place. First is smelled like a million hard boiled eggs. Then there were hundreds of holes in the ground with bubbling and boiling water. This water was obviously very hot and you needed extreme care while shooting in the area as not to fall in a hole and get burned. This image was shot looking at one of these areas but what makes it is all the steam coming off similar places in the background. This was shot with the Phase One P65+.
i love this shot. the colors are amazing and it really shows how neat the earth is. so many different elements here from the minerals around the geo thermal spot, to the green and the mountains in the background.
This is fantastic! Any chance I could re-blog it at Miriam’s well (http://miriamswell.wordpress.com) where I’m covering Iceland among other things?