While in Iceland last year I kept driving a route along the coast and I kept seeing this church way on top of a hill. I shot images of the church with long lens as clouds descended on it and birds flew around it. Finally one day I decided to find the church and searched for the roads leading to the church. It was a small church and I found my way to the top of the hill it sat on. From its vantage point you could see the ocean and coast for miles and the beautiful landscape all around. Of course I expected the doors to be locked but I was surprised to see them open. Inside was a warm cozy beautifully maintained interior. I had to shoot pictures so I shot the interior of the church and the organ, pews and alter as well as todays shot of the church bible. I was using a P65+ so detail was something I knew could be captured. I really liked this image because of the way the light came though and hit the awl and bible. Maybe I should have lit the candles, but I had no matches. Anyway the detail is so good that on the 30×40 print you can read all the works on the bible’s open pages. Maybe I’ll post the organ form the church in a future blog. I actually did a four exposure stitch of that one.
Nice! It looks cozy.