During our filming for a new Landscape Tutorial in Yosemite NP I took a chance and did a pano of a waterfall we were using as part of the video. This is a 8 image stitch. worked pretty damn good.
The Making Of A Landscape Photography Tutorial
Here’s a shot I made of Chris Sanderson videoing William Neill Photographyas part of a NEW tutorial we are working on for Luminous Landscape. This will be a major NEW tutorial on Landscape Photography. Stay tuned.
Gentle Falls
Wow, what a week. Just finished shooting a new video for Luminous Landscape with William Neill Photography and Chris Sanderson. This is a shot from Fern Spring in Yosemite. Long exposure made with the Nikon d800e.
Yosemite Beauty
I just spent a week in Yosemite National PArk working on new Landscape Photography Tutorial for Luminous-Landscape. It was a tough week to shoot there because we had perfect seater fro tourists and not so for photographers. Sunny, bright and hardly any clouds. Never the less with William Neill’s help we made some good images. Here is one. I converted it to Black and white because it looked best. Shot with a 14mm lens to include foreground.
The Top Of Silo City
The building at Silo City are huge. They can be 12-14 stories some of them. This is a shot of the tops of as few of them from roof level of another building.
More Silos
It’s been a week since I visited Silo City in Buffalo, NY. The location provided so many photo opportunities that I have enough good images to share for a few weeks. This is a shot made at Concrete City a location not to far from Silo City. This place is huge and we were there at a great time with great light and great shadows.
Industrial Beauty
The one thing I learned over the weekend that industry has its own beauty. While the Water Works and the Silos were functional and productive facilities, the design lent itself to interesting and wonderful photographic beauty. This is another image from Silo City. I love the symmetry and the balance as well as the way the light is reflected. Hope you enjoy.
Ghosts In The Silos
While shooting this massive silo complex in Buffalo this past weekend I had the opportunity to shoot some models provide by another photographer that was there. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed shooting people and maybe it’s time to do more of that kind of shooting. Here is one of my images from hundreds that I shot while there.
Rusty Valve
This was an image made once again at the Buffalo Water Works. What an amazing place for so many cool shots. This was shot by crawling into and old rusty valve and shooting out.
Way Too Much Fun
So, today I have been editing images from the last few days. I keep coming back to the Buffalo water works images and how it was so Steam Punked. when shooting I did 5 exposure with 1 stop differences. Today I did some real HDR images of these images and they are just so cool. Here is one I just finished.