I made it to the Hood Valley area between Washington and Oregon and the Skamania Lodge where my sons wedding will take place on Sunday. It’s raining and dynamic. Kind of what you expect for this area. Many of the family have arrived with more arriving tomorrow. Within the first five minutes of being here the clouds broke open and produced a rainbow. Luckily i had my iPhone so I grabbed a shot. I knew the only way if would work was should in HDR so I set up the shot and let the iPhone do it’s thing. Now I use an app called AutoHDR and it takes a few seconds to analyze the scene. And just before it started to shoot the sequence of images these two kids jumped in the shot. I was like what!! but you know what they made the shot and added the foreground. So, sometimes things just go your way.
nice capture….people make a difference….
Hope the day has been fabulous, Kevin! Enjoy those precious family moments..