We have been away for a while trying to get our feet on the ground after being let go from Luminous-Landscape.com. If you aren’t aware of it the whole team from the old LuLa site have moved on. We were quite disappointed not to mention surprised at what happened. But, never fear we have decided to create a new website photoPXL.com and do it bigger and better than before. This doesn’t come without a lot of time and effort and we are pretty focused on getting the new site launched. Please visit photopxl.com and sign up to be notified when we launch our new site.
In the meantime, we are also working hard on launching new workshops for 2020 and 2021 with Rockhopperworkshops.com.
Presently we have 4 berths that have become available for our 2202 Antarctica trip and 4 spots available for Palouse the Harvest. We are also well into the planning stages for 2020 and 2021 with Iceland, Faroe Islands, Africa and more. So stay tuned.
I’ll do my best to keep things flowing better on this site now that we are back in real operational mode. Thanks for stopping by.