Well, I made it to Copenhagen today. Didn’t get bumped up to business class on this trip, so I rode with the folks in the back. Made it though, but tired and have been suffering all day to stay awake so I could get a real solid nights sleep and wake up on the new time some tomorrow. I’ll be at the Phase One offices for this week in meetings and doing planning for upcoming PODAS workshops. The week will go fast. To help alleviate my jet lag I took a photo walk about this afternoon. Cold day but the sun was peeking through the clouds so I got a few good images. Took a break halfway and enjoyed an Irish Coffee. Copenhagen is such a civilized city. This is a shot of the canal in Nyhavan, where there is usually a big party going on. The place in the summer is solid with people and outdoor cafes. Not today. I’ll have more Denmark pictures as the week goes forth.
you have the best life Kevin.
Hi Kevin. This picture is just plain lovely! I can imagine it printed BIG on canvas, in a den. Your site also inspires me to DO more photography 🙂