I went through an HDR phase – High Dynamic Range photography. It’s fun and serves a purpose with digital photography as it allows you to show highlight and shadow detail in a contrasty lighting condition. Today too many photographers overuse it. For me, I kind of dabble in. I use it when it is needed which with Phase one cameras is not too often. In this shot taken at a boatyard where my son was painting the fishing boat he runs, I decided that I was going to sue it and I would go to the grunge look for the whole day. This is a shot of the little boat house. What’s cool is you can see inside the boathouse as well as detail in bright sun. I figured if I was going to do this I might as well exaggerate everything and bang here’s the shot. I have another one from this day I’ll publish at a later date.
this is one of my favorite shots of yours. so much depth, color and detail. a great example of what hdr can do…