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Water and Ice

Waterfalls in the Arctic
Waterfalls in the Arctic

Arriving at this location we faced a gigantic and very long glacier or ice wall.  It is actually part of the permanent ice pack on Svalbard.  zThere must have been a hundred waterfalls flowing from this place.  This one image is showing a waterfall of about 50 feet coming out of a glacier as water carves it way through the glaciers.  Some of the other waterfalls come of the top.  I have pictures of those too so you’ll see them somewhere along the way.  Pretty amazing to  see all of this.

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Rusty Shit

Rusty This, Frankfort Train Yard, Indiana
Rusty This, Frankfort Train Yard, Indiana

From the same train yard as yesterdays image was made comes a pile of rusty shit. I love rust and decay. This pile of old rusty things was art in itself. I popped the image in post processing and I love depth and gritty feel it gives.

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Day In Rome

Colosseum, Rome, Itlay
Colosseum, Rome, Itlay

In April 2013 I spent some time in Italy and the Tuscany region. An amazing area with lots of images. This is an image from a day in Rome. After the workshop a few of my friends and I spent a day shooting all over Rome. It was one of those picture perfect, weather perfect days. This a shot done at the Colosseum. What an amazing structure and to think it was constructed so long ago. If the walls could tell stories it would be fascinating.

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Around Carmel 1

The Performing Arts Center, Carmel, IN
The Performing Arts Center, Carmel, IN

I live in a nice community north of Indinapolis.  It was voted by Forbes and Money magazines as the best place in America to live this year.  I have now begun a personal project to photograph the community and show all the nice things about it.  This is the first image of many that I’ll publish and eventually I will do a gallery on this sit of images. This a shot of the Perfroming Arts Center, a magnificent building inside and out that is at the end of my street.

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Wall Painting in Sienna, Itlay
Wall Painting in Sienna, Itlay

While walking and doing street photography in Sienna, Italy I saw these guys painting and after watching for a while saw an image forming.  I shot a number of images in sequence at different zooms and positioning until I got the image I liked.  Here it is.  Simple and colorful.


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Dark Skies

Dark Skies Ahead, Death Valley, CA
Dark Skies Ahead, Death Valley, CA

On one of my many trips into Death Valley I experienced a huge dark storm that was making its way across the valley.  I had to stop the car and shoot this image.  I have been in Death Vally on numerous occasions and on a number of those I experienced storms.  I must be bad karma.

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Streets Of Sienna

Streets Of Seinna
Streets Of Seinna

I have fallen in love with Tuscany.  As a photographer I could spend weeks there visiting and exploring villages and eating great food and drinking fine wine.  Quite the place to kick back and relax.  This is is image of one of the many old streets in Sienna, Italy.

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Tuscany Sunset

Tuscany Sunset
Tuscany Sunset

Here is another Tuscany image.  I promised a lot of Tuscany pictures.  This was made from a distance with a 55mm lens on a Fuji X-Pro.  It was a nice evening for a sunset.  Earlier in the day I shot the chapel that is in this image close up.