You may have noticed I have been absent from any recent posts. This was due to leading a workshop in Iceland for Luminous-Landscape. We had a great workshop and we saw and did some amazing things. It was quite the adventure for sure. We had everything Iceland could throw at us weather wise. From cold and high winds to beautiful mild winter weather with perfect clouds. So, to get things caught up I will share a number of images I had posted on Facebook during the trip. My camera for this trip was the Sony A7rII as well as my iPhone. I had fun using both and you’ll see images made with each. These images are just a drop in the bucket of some beautiful images I have come home with. More will be coming. I am leading another Iceland workshop in June. And in a few weeks will head off to Patigonia and the Altiplano for two back to back workshops. So, expect lots of images.

Great stuff, Kevin!