I love Chicago. It’s one city I never get tired of shooting in. The architecture is second to none and offers the urban landscape photographer so many possibilities. This image was made right after sunrise of the Aqua Towers. This is a giant condo building that is designed to look like a wave. The trick is to use a long lens, expose for the highlights and shoot the building in high contrast with am abstract look. I shot this with a Fuji X-t1 and 55-200mm lens.
Hi Kevin – Maybe inappropriate to comment here, but wonder about the O-MD E-M1 instructional video you told me about a while back. Still using it/loving it, but want to penetrate its arcane depths further. Nervous about it vs X-T1, I handled the latter for an hour in a local photo shop and found it klutzy compared to E-M1. I guess familiarity breeds enchantment. I have 40-150 on order, but still wonder if X-T1 has an important IQ edge. Main camera for upcoming trip to Patagonia will continue to be D800e.
We are working on an Olympus and Sony video. They take a while to do and some other projects are slowing it down a tad.